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  • ZorinOS: Always wears fancy fashion, completely forgets to do any homework though.

    Kali Linux: Always got a copy of all the answers. Nobody knows how. Somewhat creepy.

    ElementaryOS: Thinks of themself as special. Always has to do things slightly different than others.

  • Arch - the insufferable know-it-all that refuses communication except by written notes, mostly so the answer can be "read note XYZ". Should be bullied more often

    Debian - The teacher. Most of the students get what is taught. Is always lagging behind what the students are doing, but doesn't care.

    Slitaz - The orphan weirdo that survives off trash. Has no clue how anything more recent than a flip phone works

  • I like to imagine void linux is kinda like that one emo kid. No specific reason really, i guess void just sounds more edgy compared to other distro names.