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Something that I realized about the fediverse is that you seem to be able to criticize the USA as a whole, but if you criticize the Democrats you get downvoted. Democrats suck they are not sacred cows

  • It's because a lot of the criticism attributed to "the Democrats" it's just general criticism about the government and has nothing to do with a Democrats specifically.

    I really feel like as soon as a Democrat gets in the office people forget that the other half of the government is fucking Republicans that will do anything to stop Democrats from getting what they want... That's the entirety of what Turtleman is made of.

    • I have a criticism of the Dems that isn't "the whole govrtnment".

      Locally, the dems ignored the primary winner, backed the incumbent with a write in campaign, drawing from donors as far away as the Virginia GOP committee, and helped elect a Reich Wing sheriff, just to secure the cops vote for the write in.

    • It’s because a lot of the criticism attributed to “the Democrats” it’s just general criticism about the government and has nothing to do with a Democrats specifically.

      I have very specific criticism of my Dem Mayor Bill White. The guy has been a cancer on the city and the party since his first term in office. He exists almost exclusively as a sell-out, as a money spigot for the horrifyingly corrupt city police department, and as a means of obstructing any kind of mass transit improvements straight down to fucking bike trails.

      The problems with White aren't unique to this candidate. They're endemic to the party. You've got people who will not fucking retire, who are entrenched in their seats through gerrymandering and these enormous corporately-financed war chests, and who only ever seem to compromise with their right-wing next door neighbors. They do a shit job for years on end, get the most greasy, sychophantic press coverage, then trash people in their own party on their way out the door. Also, just shameless bigots, besides.

      More often than not, these are Democrats of convenience. They only run under the party banner because the seat their contesting is tilted liberal by demographics or gerrymander. Your Eric Adamses and Lori Lightfoots and Henry Cuellars and Kristin Sinemas would be interchangeable with a Tim Scott or Rick Scott or Scott Walker any other voting day. But they've coded themselves as liberals in order to blend into liberal communities. And they've sold their souls for campaign cash, so they'll say anything to anyone the day before the election, then toe the corporate line the day after.

      I really feel like as soon as a Democrat gets in the office people forget that the other half of the government is fucking Republicans

      When Democrats are in the majority, they're helpless because the majority isn't big enough.

      When they're in the minority, they're helpless because Republicans are being too mean to let them do compromises that enrich the donors in their districts.

      When they win an election, it is because they got the Silent Majority support of the Liz Cheney Republicans. When they lose an election, it is because AOC scared off their base of support or Jill Stein conspired with Vladimir Putin to trick Palestinian voters into voting for Iran.

      Somehow, Republican obstruction only ever works for Republicans. And Democrats are always running perfect campaigns, perfect governments, and perfect foreign policies, only voters are just too stupid to notice.

      It's never the Dems' fault. The only solution you're presented with is to vote for Democrats harder. And if the Dems don't win in historic landslides, you only have yourself to blame when the Liberal President's last budget pays for the Liberal Mayor to task his Liberal Police Chief with herding everyone browner than a paper bag into the gas chamber.

  • The Democratic Party on the whole is captured by the donor class as a direct result of Citizens United. This has led to the hollowing out of the grassroots movements that are necessary for a large coalition of diverse interests to compete against the oligarchic cabal that makes up the GOP. This decimated the rank and file operatives that used networking within their communities to create political action and replaced it with endless fundraising emails, even as the primary process was corrupted (Hillary v Bernie, Biden v Bernie) to remove clout from the progressive wing of the party.

    This led to the disillusionment of many Democratic voters that they have any say in the nomination process (the last time we had a real primary was Obama 2008 - almost 20 years ago), and the result is a slate of weak centrist candidates that for the most part play lip service to liberal cultural issues while blocking any real progressive economic progress.

    The purpose of the Democratic Party apparatus as it exists in 2025 America is to capture and dilute revolutionary energy, so that people don't take to the streets and demand real change. Yes, there are some independents and good folks within the Democratic Party trying to make a change (AOC, Jasmine Crocket) but the power players (Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries) are still refusing to stand up to the overt fascist takeover of our country.

    The system as it exists will not change, and without change, we're barreling into a fascism induced depression and possible civil war that will likely ravage the planet.

  • I'll keep saying it, the DNC is a sunk cost. You will keep trying to get them to stand up for you; get them to care; get them to fight. They will keep taking your energy; taking your money; and taking your vote and do nothing with it.

    Big donors have recognized it. It's time for the people to recognize it too. That means you.

  • It's a symptom of our two-party voting system. I lost faith in the Democratic party's ability to do anything effectual a long fuckin time ago, the game is rigged for the rich and it will be until we wipe them from the face of the earth.

  • I want to hereby thank the people who voted "third party" because "both parties are bad". Yeah. Thanks....

    • This wasn't a Republicans vs. Democrats election. It was Maga vs. Democracy. And people STILL voted for "something else".

      Let's say the people where 50/50 split. People who vote maga will 100% vote for trump. So on the other side you CANNOT vote anything else BUT Kamala. Otherwise you are only diluting her chances.

      Third has never won. And would not win this time. So by choosing third party you are enhancing Trumps chances of winning.

  • What dem supporters need to understand is that support for Trump for many is people sticking two fingers up at the neoliberal order. All this talk of "woke" or whatever would all evaporate if people thought they were getting a fair shake. Of course it's a bloody stupid way of protesting this like so as it's basically asking the foxes to fix the hen house.

    The key point is the neoliberal order hasn't been successful by capitalist standards. GDP growth in western countries from 1985-2015 was slower than the 1955-1984 period which preceded neoliberal policies taking hold.

    So what you ended up with was a system which actually slowed growth, removed welfare in a lot of cases, made housing unaffordable and really only seems to have succeeded in funnelling money into the hands of the 0.1%.

    People have been convinced all kinds of scapegoats and whatever are to blame, but it's pretty clear that they see mainstream politicians, as most embodied by the Dems, as the face of their issues.

    The lack of self-reflection on the part of mainstream Dems is a huge, serious issue which has basically given Trump and Musk a blank cheque to implement fascism or at least very authoritarian capitalism.

  • It's an unfortunate trait of the reddit migrations. That place was crawling with die-hard liberals, not entirely dissimilar to scabies. It stands to reason a few of the uninitiated would find their way here.

    In spite of how I started this comment, we must remember that they are of the working class, and further division is a benefit exclusive to the capitalist.

    I feel that the further we sink into full-blown fascism, the more of them will become aware, and may be counted among allies one day soon.

    I plan to speak to those who are willing to listen and learn. But beware the contentious fool, ever seeking a debate but never trying for understanding.

    • .world got the liberals that were too delusional for reddit.

      • I agree, but the fact that they even came here gives me hope that they are open to change. It's the ones who stayed on reddit are the lost causes, I think.

  • It’s been 8 years of the lesser evil with Democrats and I’m sick of them. I cannot in good conscience support them any longer because they have time and again chosen to maintain the status quo.

    The Biden administration did many things to help Americans, most notably the Inflation Reduction Act and the student debt forgiveness. But most of it is being dismantled by the current administration. And the Dems knew this would be the case. Yet they chose to go the executive order route or the highly diluted down IRA. It’s not the people’s problem that you cannot get your party members in line. Why would we vote for you if you cannot deliver?

    Nancy Pelosi chose not to even allow the bill to prevent members of Congress from insider trading. Republicans are using it to line their pockets like never before. You want to have your cake and eat it too. Well the people are sick of your hypocrisy and it showed in the elections.

    It’s been more than a month of rapid fire gutting of the US government. What has the party done as the main opposition besides “coming up with a strategy”? Because it’s impossible to do anything meaningful without revealing how much you have gained from the system.

    The Democrats who truly care about change need to spin off their own party. That’s the only way enough people will be mobilized to make a meaningful difference in the next elections.

  • I do believe the requirement is that you just need to be specific. Republicans generally suck all around right now so that's a valid statement.

    However, if you're going to complain about Democrats you need to say something like, "the leadership sucks" or, "there's too many rich people influencing the party!"

    That's been my experience so far 🤷

  • I think that's something related to people only being used to a system with two parties. It is either one or the other, no other alternatives. And the fact that they do believe the democratic party is left-wing because it has some progressive views.

    Edit: replaced "no in between" for "no other alternatives" because in this case, being in between is just being a centrist and it isn't what I meant

  • I mean, i usually get modest upvotes when i talk about this sort of thing. I believe if we actually want to stop this fall into authoritarianism, our first step is to take control of the Democratic Party. How do you do that? Don’t vote for Neo liberals and ignore everyone who cries that unless you vote blue no matter who the republicans will win. That obviously doesn’t work, and democrats work against leftist policies. They whole time leading up to the election it was all “now is not the time” well i played their game and lost. Now it’s time.

  • The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party.

    With state level electoral reform, we could give 3rd parties the freedom to participate in the electoral process without a spoiler effect.

    No more hostage situation, more options, elections could be a competition to defeat the republicans/make things better, more democracy.

    Who could say no to more democracy?

    Republicans? Why of course they would say no. They are passing legislation in red states to protect First-past-the-post voting. In Alaska they held a referendum last election to go back to FPTP voting because Sarah Palin was kept out of office by their Ranked Choice voting system. It didn't pass, the people dont want FPTP anymore in Alaska.

    How about the blue states and the democrats that are elected there. Do they support democracy? I guess that would depend on if they are still using FPTP when the mid term elections are hopefully held.

    It's not to late, we can have more choices in the voting booth. We can have more then one chance to defeat the republicans.