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Price on Amazon vs price on other shops makes it hard to avoid Amazon sometimes

Anyone else struggling to avoid Amazon because of the price of some things? I need 3M Tegaderm for example and on Amazon it cost 28€ for 10cm by 10m roll and on other sites that are not Amazon I can only find it for pretty much double the price ( has it for 58,40€ and has it for 49,60€ Stuff like this really makes it difficult.

Anyone know where I can find this as cheap as on Amazon or at least not much more expensive?

  • Price and availability.

    Which is part of why "voting with your wallet" is a fallacious late capitalist trap. You don't have much of a vote and you can't use it freely.

    I've lived in places not covered by Amazon and they have much better local alternatives than the Western European regions where Amazon has sucked the air out of the space. You're not going to re-enable competition in logistics by buying from local online stores, you're re-enabling competition by breaking up Amazon and nationalizing their local branches (or taxing them to hell until they can't compete, I suppose).

  • Here in the Netherlands Amazon did not operate for quite a long time, so a local digital store covers most of the needs of delivery shopping.

    So it's relatively easy to avoid Bezos