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  • None of these cameras measure things in Kelvin, the only temperature scale that matters. Disappointing.

    • They do actually, it's just that they convert it to Celsius right before displaying the value on the screen

      • It doesn't count if you can't see it!

        Kelvin is the only legitimate way to measure temperature. Everything else is trivia. Duh.

        Edit: I don't have time for your downvotes. It's 277 degrees outside and I don't have a clean sweater.

  • Check your ceiling and walls.

    • That's a really neat idea for a horror device. You can see evidence of the creature(s) in your walls, but it's very blurry (heat signature spreads out when moving through the drywall), and also delayed (takes time to radiate from warm spots, and also to form new spots).

      I'd love to try making a horror game with that angle, but ADHD has me by the balls 😞

  • I bought one just to check equipment after I've run it all day. Checking the baler and combine for bad bearings periodically will hopefully prevent an expensive fire.

  • The water coming out of the shower head or faucet when it’s warm enough to be comfortable, but not so hot that it’s scalding.

  • I've seen these added onto phones, but you bought a phone WITH it already on board? That's sick. I've not seen anything like that in years... They just keep pumping out bullshit over and over again, year after year.