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Not only in the US, it is a universal fiction

ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:

"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.


If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.

There is no pro-capitalist Left. That's a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."

  • Capitalism is the fundamental belief in private ownership. That I can own a factory, a store, a restaurant, and therefore be entitled to the profits produced from them. Modern capitalism is inextricable from consumerism, from business, and from stock exchanges.

    Capitalism is any resource or good harvested or produced that is not shared by all who produced it. Capitalism is the idea that some labor is more deserving of the fruits of production than other kinds of labor. Capitalism is violence against the working class. Capitalism is the means by which a new ruling class was created over the past 200 years that presently controls the entire world while utterly ravaging our environment and wasting more resources than we literally every could have thought possible.

    You are NOT a leftist if you support capitalism. You are ANTI-WORKER if you support capitalism. If you want to support workers and if you want to support progressive leftist causes, ORGANIZE. Join your local anarchist community. Agitate, push leftist politics. Start mutual aid networks for vulnerable workers in your community. Support unionization efforts. Support striking workers. Participate in civil disobedience. Show up at protests. Organize demonstrations.

    The world has never been changed by accepting the crumbs they threw at our feet. It was changed by those who refused to bow their heads. By the communities who resisted oppression and fought for their fellow workers. By people who fought for us all to live better lives. Count yourself among them.

  • Politically speaking, I don't believe there's such thing as "right" or "left" except in the relative sense. Even then it's questionable.

    Edit: I'm really curious about what people downvoting think it fundamentally means for there to be an absolute political "center" from which there is an objective "right" wing and an objective "left" wing. Furthermore, I'd like to know what advantages this model has that makes you value it so much.

  • I get accused of being a capitalist in this community/instance for some of the most benign and unrelated shit.

    I'm not.

    • Pretty much every sane person believes in trade, market-based pricing, and allowing people to own their businesses and means of production

      None of that is exclusive to capitalism...

      • Jesus, my very gentle post was "Removed by mod"? Even though it has 6 upvotes and 1 downvote? Okay

        Ok, here's the definition of capitalism, plain and simple:

        Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals and businesses own the factors of production, and prices and production are determined by supply and demand.

        Characteristics of capitalism

        • Private ownership: Private individuals and businesses own the means of production, such as capital goods.
        • Free market: Prices and production are determined by supply and demand in a free market.
        • Profit motive: The primary motivation is to make a profit.
        • Market competition: Businesses compete with each other for business.
        • Private control: Private individuals and businesses control the production and consumption of goods and services.
  • Man, Americans are so confused about how political movements work and it's spreading.

    They should just make up words for whatever it is they are trying to categorize, like "Snurfle" or "anti-sploosh" or whatever and let the rest of us keep talking about politics like normal people.

    Don't get me wrong, it's not like everybody else doesn't have the classic "socialdemocrats aren't real leftists" nonsense, that part is pretty universal. But at least those guys over here know what the words they're using typically mean.

    • If you think capitalism is normal, needed, or functional, you don't know the definition of capitalism.

      • Look, the only reason I don't go around mockingly asking Americans (including purported American leftists) what's a socialist or a social democrat is that fascists have sullied the "define your concept" idea by being transphobes. Don't force my hand.

        The hilarious part of this little online LARP thing some Americans like to do is that I've lived with actual, card-carrying communists being a permanent fixture in congress (and at points in government coalitions) and not once have I heard them spout this stuff. Mock socdems for not being lefty enough? Sure. Accuse them of having the same policies as demochristians on this or that? Totally. Argue and infight about one-off issues until they split so much that they become a fizzy foam of personal parties? Constantly.

        But this implication that the immediate and sole goal is some hypothetical revolution that is on the cusp of happening via some marginal political action that doesn't involve or need to involve institutional participation? "Capitalism/anticapitalism" as a strict binary where no action shall be taken before the dismantling of the capitalist system? Yeah, not even from the strict anarchists operating exclusively on assemby-based decisionmaking, man. It's like flat Earth stuff, you never know how much of it is genuine human weirdness and how much is trolling.