A cool guide to styling a ponytail 👧
A cool guide to styling a ponytail 👧
A cool guide to styling a ponytail 👧
I'm a big tall straight Native guy and I've always had long hair
When I was 18, a girlfriend of mine treated my hair with finely woven French Braid .... I never felt so pretty ... you can mess up a bunch of masculine young men by just manipulating your hair to be as sexually appealing no matter what sex you are. It both made my friends laugh, get pissed off, aroused, made them nervous and upset a bunch of my friends who all had to figure out how to deal with a guy that looked as pretty as me.
The grit below came out of the hole above
Said the oyster to its mate?
To the tune of All Along the Watchtower
Are these Ween lyrics lol
Leave a small tweet.
Step 3 says to leave a small tweet. I know English but not like that. Is that hair vocabulary or is someone yanking chains?
WTF is that blue strand doing going back into the forehead this is fake as shit
Yeah, this is bothering me. The forward blue center stripe vanishes. This is wrong or we’re missing info. Also, the “waterfall” I’m familiar with doesn’t look like this, not that there’s any really strict naming conventions for some hairstyles.
There was a comment on Reddit that explained it pretty well. On the last step, you put the blue hair back down into the pony tail
I like how the effective hairstyle also gives you facial features and a handbag. Who wouldn’t want that?
Endend up with a side cut after step 4 what do i do now?
Don't try this shit with wavy hair