What is up with all the German posts about pizza today?
What is up with all the German posts about pizza today?
I just opened Lemmy to browse all and half the posts are memes in German about pizza. Wtf Germany?
What is up with all the German posts about pizza today?
I just opened Lemmy to browse all and half the posts are memes in German about pizza. Wtf Germany?
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German here. It is indeed one user who missed pizza day today at work, posting many pizza memes in a short time.
The German community on Lemmy is rebuilding at the moment as their main server feddit.de was abandoned by its admin. Now the communities are slowly transitioning over to feddit.org. During that process, single users can be largely overrepresented until the communities found a balance.
I am not sure but I think you can disable certain languages somewhere in your user settings, so that German communities should not reach you anymor3.
It's fine I actually like seeing all the posts from Germany and France and the UK, it was just weird to see the same meme show up so many times with no explanation lol
(Not so) fun fact: his posts actually worked. Not in the way that he got pizza day back, but in the way that I ordered some. I wasn't even that hungry >.<
Well that was SENSELESS!
...........now where did the unicorns go? I heard they need their daily creamed corn!!!
Ok guys. New plan. We "Truman Show" this guy, except we all join together and celebrate a new global holiday. Pizza Day! And we do it on this guys birthday. No prior notice, no online discussion. We just all celebrate pizza day, and gaslight him for never hearing of it before.
But we do it all day. Just around him. And then the next day we do not understand what he's talking about.
Lets see if we can drive him crazy in 48 hours.
American here. I love the German meme communities if even I don't always understand the joke. Thanks for letting us know how you guys are doing and I hope everyone lands safely in the new server.
Sad to hear. As a German living in the Ausland for many decades its nice to see the Germans chat on here. Good luck with the transition.
The German community on Lemmy is rebuilding at the moment as their main server feddit.de was abandoned by its admin. Now the communities are slowly transitioning over to feddit.org
Didn't realize it was happening, is there a post somewhere about it that I can link people to?