i love the modern web
i love the modern web
i love the modern web
I remember reading something about something like this where someone basically gave a counter to this rhetoric of “the internet is basically a city, would you let your child walk unattended through a city? Then why should I have to self censure my site to that standard”
It led to this crazy debate about how a city should be so safe and saccharine that a child can walk around unattended. Weird
It led to this crazy debate about how a city should be so safe and saccharine that a child can walk around unattended. Weird
(Emphasis mine)
TBH, I think this is a very American and kinda conservative take. In most places outside the US and Canada kids walk to school and other places by themselves in urban areas.
Now, I don't think that means you shouldn't be able to buy a dildo or whatever, but I don't agree with the idea that suburbs or small towns are inherently more safe and wholesome. That's literally just conservative propaganda.
But, if there are public spaces that are actually physically unsafe for a child to be in, that's a failure of society IMO. For the same reason that its a failure if a woman, or a trans person, or a neurodivergent person is put into danger just for existing in the wrong place. People under the age of 18 are human beings too, just ones with different needs from adults, and like all human beings they deserve to be able to exist in public without fearing for their life.
I think this is one of the very few conservative points thay we should not simply disregard offhand.
I don't have all the data and have not done a thorough investigation but looking at crime rates from City-Data and USAFacts cities seem to be higher on average.
Now, could this be due to larger police forces and higher reporting? Could it be due to the inherent racism our legal system is based upon?
I'm not the one to say.
Also there is always going to be variation in the data for many factors.
Children regularly walk around unattended in Sweden, and they all cus constantly as well. You hear scary evil songs like WAP playing wherever because nobody gives a shit. I think the reason they're safe is a mix of healthcare access and other welfare programs, weapon control, and sexual education.
I think the worst thing for kids here right now is nicotine addiction because disposable vapes are very popular with teens. And, you know, also the fact that the far right is eroding their rights and defunding said social programs.
I mean that’s how it was for me in America in 1998. Walking around and cursing and talking about sex all the time and listening to korn and eventually like slipknot and shit. Skating and hanging out at whoever had a n64 (or eventually sega Dreamcast) and parents that didn’t stay at home
Then the Walmarts came and put mainstreets out of business, they developed housing in big tracts away from anything so you need to drive 20 minutes to get anywhere and legally aren’t allowed to build any kind of business near a house inside of it, and the far right thing happened here too (kind of seeing the end game right now).
At some point, people need to realize that children won't become serial muderers just because they saw a boob.
Even worse, they could be gayed or transed! /s
damn i guess we should shut down bars pubs and all other 18+ activities, what if a child saw that!
Genuinely that's their goal.
because all the world's money is held by a global cabal of Christian fascists who invented blood libel to project their evil onto scapegoats. They're a bunch of groomers who rely on brainwashing the youths they make miserable through their garbage economic system. their antiwoke mind virus is sexy to people unwilling to question their own biases, so us queers end up strung up for trying to exist at all. they then convince themselves that their strategy is what's best for "society" when they're the very degenerate threats to all life on earth that they fear monger about. the unironic response to all their bullshit is "I know you are, but what am I?"
I wish we'd protect young impressionable children more. From hateful content and the alt-right pipeline.
Ty Kaity and Ada for letting me be a trans adult on this website!
This is a pretty nice place to be!
At one time, it was the responsibility of parents to supervise their kids online and prevent them from accessing anything they weren't ready to see. I wish we could go back to that.
Lol, go back to what exactly? I remember the overwhelming majority of parents had literally zero clue how to deal with the internet when it first became a thing. Children went online and saw all kinds of traumatizing shit.
I mean, at least people warned you to never post your name, age or pictures online.
The status quo sucks, but going back doesn't sound great either.
Go back to parents being responsible for what their children are doing/exposed to on the internet, and not expecting the company running a site or adults using it to keep content sanitized, according to standards that aren't always transparent or open to debate, in case kids are exposed to it.
Pathetic fuckers. One of the reasons why I love the fediverse.
Nicky Flowers is a treasure. Did you know they're on episode 5 now of their zine, Very Little News? https://verylittlenews.org/
(I'm not related, my name is spelled completely differently as you can see)
Is the insinuation that Visa, Mastercard, and Google Ads are responsible for banning trans adults a reference to the big nsfw censorship push Tumblr did?
That isn't the only place where they've done so, just one that is memorable because of how it crushed the site.
It's pretty well known that payment processors are captured by Christian cultists. Patreon routinely screws over adult content creators because it's incredibly difficult to get money owed by those fucks if they don't approve of what you're doing.
Nobody tell AmEx
it is still possible to host own forums, even federated now ;)