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Tesla autopilot killed 17 and crashed 736 times /technology/2023/06/10/tesla-autopilot-crashes-elon-musk/

More or less Tesla's autopilot is not as safe as Tesla would have you believe.

  • They mention the crashrate being lower than a human, what is the actual crashrate?

    • Irrelevant; that's what it is. Considering that a human is still ultimately responsible when they're behind the wheel whether or not "autopilot" is running, it's the human that should be attributed the lower crash rate.

      Otherwise you risk incidents like this one where the human intervenes in a near-miss and actively stops the car from actually causing a severe accident being counted as "pro-autopilot" when it was the human that actually stopped the event from occurring.

      • No, the crash rate is definitely relevant, but I do get what you're saying about safety being human caused.

  • In an ideal world, automation could free up the human workpower to relevant topics (instead of taxi/Uber/etc.). Science, development or even social working.

    But as we are not in an ideal world, this would never work, as it would need equal and ver could education where you see every student what it is: essential brain capital which must not be left ignored.

    So the reason why we get automated driving is: because we hate monotonously driving every day the same route through the traffic jam.

    • I think we really need to know what the actual crashrate is before we decide on that.

      Even more, we need the crashrate based on different environments, I figure AI does worse than humans in snowy conditions, but in most highway conditions, I bet it can do better, perhaps we could regulate it based on weather conditions if we had such data

      I don't know, but I think we need more data before we say anything.