Tech Guidlines For Europeans
Tech Guidlines For Europeans

Jan Heisinen (

Tech Guidlines For Europeans
Jan Heisinen (
I mean, in regards to the Browser. Neither Chromium nor Gecko are european, so it kinda boils down to: do you want to support google (then go with vivaldi) or firefox (librewolf, waterfox etc).
Firefox obviously from these two.
sure Vivaldi seems to be the more european choice, yet you will be bum fucked by google.
What about Matrix for communication? Element X is lovely.
Doesn't Matrix have a huge problem with metadata or am I not up to date with this?
I am not aware on the matter tbh.
Threema is much much safer
I haven't tried it. But whatever works works. Each to their own ig
Why do I never see SearXNG listed? It's FOSS and there's a bunch of different instances hosted in a variety of countries. You can even control what search engines it uses to aggregate its search results.
Even thought Vivaldi is european, it's proprietary, so at this point I prefer Cromite if it means using something chromium-based.