He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.

ICE's deportation actions signal that anyone who isn't a US citizen is 'at risk – period,' immigration attorney says.

He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
ICE's deportation actions signal that anyone who isn't a US citizen is 'at risk – period,' immigration attorney says.
He shook as he watched her disappear. He thought, "What the f— do I do?"
Too late to ask that now - you wanted a hateful moron in charge and you got your wish.
I just don’t understand why Trump supporters believe Trump. It was clear that his campaign was influenced by Project 2025, and he had several of its authors at his inner circle. But he claimed he didn’t know anything about it and for some reason his supporters believed him.
And now he’s doing exactly what was promised. None of this should be a surprised. The document was openly published by a think tank, his campaign embraced it, and yet his supporters thought it wasn’t going to happen.
I don't think they cared more than they didn't trust Kamala. It was mysogony. And racism. And we just keep trying to intellectualize stupidity. They're dumb. They don't think it through.
Except for the billionaire faction. They know exactly what they are doing to keep their money where they want it. With them.
I really don't get it either. Trump can say something and his supporters will believe him no matter what.
He could tell a supporter their child is a demon, shoot the kid in the face and they would thank him for it.
I have no idea what to do about it.
Trump supporters...
It was clear that his campaign was influenced by Project 2025
The document was openly published by a think tank, his campaign embraced it, and yet his supporters thought it wasn’t going to happen.
Well, you are talking about a group that, as a general rule, is not known for being readers per se. Also, they are not known for consuming even token "liberal" corporate outlets, and those companies barely covered Project 2025 as-is.
Before last fall's election, I remember talking to someone that mostly votes Libertarian but will vote Republican and gets much of their "news" via things like Rogan and I brought up Project 2025.
them: "But isn't Project 2025 just a liberal conspiracy theory? C'mon...."
me: "Uh, it's a published thing. You can easily find it, download it, and READ it. It's no 'liberal conspiracy theory'. And don's VP wrote the forward to a book from the architect of Project 2025, so if donvict is trying to distance himself from it, he sure has a funny way of showing it by picking "JD" "Vance" to be his running mate...."
them: "..."
Did they bother to look into this? I'm sure they did not. And I'd bet anything they voted Libertarian for Presidential level and Republican everywhere else they could not find a Libertarian candidate, therefore, helping the Republicans. They vote in Colorado, so their thrown-away vote for the presidential race does not matter, but....
Oh lovely
It's pretty simple actually. Do you live in an area where Sinclair controls the local media? It's easy to cast aspersions at these people's intelligence. Pretending like they are somehow working hard to avoid all the evidence and information that we've seen. When the truth of the matter is. They're not avoiding anything. They're simply living in a toxic swamp unaware. Their local broadcast stations telling them how evil Democrats are and how wonderful Trump is. Facts and Truth never really make it to them. And they are denied the ability to be basically informed. Without going against their communities and family. Seeking external information and questioning what everyone else perceives as real.
It's a hell of a trap these cancerous capitalists have managed to erect.
It's a religious cult type of mental illness. Don't bother looking for logic because you won't be able to find it.
We'll only be able to understand it when we're able to explain why adults continue to believe in religion and fairytales, without evidence.
I just don’t understand why Trump supporters believe Trump.
Simple. It's because they are tragically stupid people. Don't overthink it.
"I love the poorly educated."
He's also lazy with no sense of nuance. If there's an easy way to do something, he'll do it. Pardon all Jan 6ers, deport all illegals (or all immigrants), let someone else handle shit, whatever is easiest.
As someone who did not vote for this situation, I'm greatly concerned as my spouse is a green card holder and I don't know what to do to keep her safe when she is already supposed to be. I have asked her to always have her green card on her, but what else is possible. ;/
Move somewhere else that's not run by the Gestapo...it sucks but run... seriously. It's dangerous now to have a green card or hell even have been born in another country and now be a US citizen. These fuckers are going after everyone... I'm waiting for them to start targeting people with foreign sounding last names.
You know that feeling when you're watching a horror movie and internally you're just screaming at the protagonist "run!" ?
This is exactly how it feels as a non-american watching everything unfold over there. I really hope it doesn't and the people stand up and protect the vulnerable (read: not white) but yeah....if you could give the German Jews one piece of advice in the 1930s, what would it be?
What a stupid fuck. Genuinely, I’ve got absolutely no sympathy for him. This is reality hitting him in the face at highway speed.
You’re finding out, dipshit. Deal with it.
Concepts of thoughts and prayers.
She doge-ed a bullet 😂
So, donvict was supposed to only take all the other "illegals", I guess.
From the article:
In addition to Muñoz, USA TODAY has confirmed through attorneys, family members and documents that ICE has detained for weeks:
- a woman in her 30s with proof of valid permanent legal residency,
David Rozas, an immigration attorney representing Muñoz, agreed: “Anyone who isn’t a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen is at risk – period."
Even an immigration attorney can't keep up with how rapidly the fascists are escalating their persecution.
Soon even citizenship won't be enough to stop people who ICE doesn't like the look of from getting deported, if it hasn't happened already.
Soon even citizenship won't be enough to stop people who ICE doesn't like the look of from getting deported, if it hasn't happened already.
Does a ten year old citizen whose parents were undocumented getting thrown out of the US alongside her parents count? Because I saw a news story about that happening recently.
Not quite, on a technicality (the kid "voluntarily chose" not to stay in the US with no guardian), but yes.
Fuck him.
I know the author is wanting me to feel sympathy for this guy and his son for losing a wife and mother but all I can feel is schadenfreude.
Actions and consequences they buckos.
Exactly. He knew Trump would hurt people, and he didn't care. He just thought that other people would be targeted. Typical conservative.
Whatever excuse they can find to generate big deportation numbers for the Malignant Narcissist in Chief to brag to his racist, fascist base. When they run out of the low hanging fruit of POC at the airport, they'll move on to actual citizens. It's about creating chaos and fear to consolidate more power, not actually making the USA great.
Hopefully she vanishes into the system and the POS never gets closure on what happened to her