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Elon Musk and Far-Right German Leader Agree ‘Hitler Was a Communist’

  • Just because the Nazis called themselves the "national socialist party" did NOT make them communists. They called themselves that to attract naive revolutionary idiots who thought the government would help them. But they were always fascists.

    North Korea calls itself "The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea" even though is not the People's, not Democratic, and definitely not a Republic. It's a marketing gimmick by the government to pretend that it's something it isn't.

  • "First they came for the communists, but I did not speak out because I was not a communist"

    Hitler was the literal opposite of a communist. He came for the communists before he came for the Jews.

  • The current reality timeline I am living in is a mf comedyshow.

    • It's because the idiots ran up on stage, built a wall out of their own shit, and started screaming into the mic. And they get away with it because they own the venue and locked the doors, all the while thinking people love them for it.

  • Yeah, we’ve known Musk is an utter moron for years now. He doesn’t need to keep proving it.

  • Is that German Leader an artist or USSA citizen?