A termux-app v0.120 release was made on Google PlayStore on 2024-06-04 by @fornwall, along with some Termux plugin app releases. These were not done by the current Termux core team. They are only a...
I stopped using Termux in general because of this inanity where they moved off and stopped supporting the Play Store Version; now this happens where they're unable to keep things from conflicting across the different APK sources?
Yikes. Seems like a good time to continue staying away from Termux and not recommending it.
It's a shame since I really love the concept of the app; but each increment of Android has been rough on it and I can't imagine it being useful with Google being stupid about their policies.
...Unfortunately they're often quick to blame apps they dislike for problems in the ecosystem, and they often directly attack them through nerfing APIs and system calls that the apps tend to use; which I think is absolutely a dogshit thing to do.
I'm not being harsh; they bungled that initial transition badly too; despite it being a Google action.
Unfortunately they left a lot of users in the lurch when they left the Play Store as well and that too left a bad taste. It's not exactly easy to migrate across versions and packages and software differ wildly as they allowed both versions to do their own thing without relabeling them so you could run them side-by-side.
I don't blame them for Google's actions; but I do blame them for how they handled it.
You might be confusing my transition into a rant against Google as blaming Termux.
No matter what, if a team loses access to the Play Store, there's nothing they can do about that. They're not absolved of guilt, but it's certainly something that could happen to any team. After that, they tried to make the best of the situation and did so, until this Play Store release, which is, as I've mentioned not good.