State GOP tells people to "burn all Pride flags" during June
State GOP tells people to "burn all Pride flags" during June

The Republican Party wrote that "godless groomers" are demonic and "ultimately harm our children."

State GOP tells people to "burn all Pride flags" during June
The Republican Party wrote that "godless groomers" are demonic and "ultimately harm our children."
They did encourage people to burn pride flags. Just sayin' it is a "pride" flag.
I like your style.
Have a šŖ
I mean, I would argue the "Coward's Swastika" (thin blue line) flags are about pride.
I mean, this statement was made in Colorado. They love Lincoln up in Colorado, cause he built a ton of the rail network that makes Denver more than a glorified truck stop (and also helped kill all the Indians in the northern territories to enable westward expansion).
Funny story, the overall population of Colorado approves of the LGBTQ community. Stop Cosplaying in the 50's.
The 50s had less difficulty with gay than these spoilt screeching toddlers.
It's all they have now. They're unwilling to compromise any position, even though those positions are horribly unpopular. Instead they have to make a lot of noise and insist you move further to the right to meet them in the middle, or else.
Does that mean we can also burn the boot licking thin blue/green/red flags? š¤
I get the blue and green ones (police and military), the red ones are for firefighters, right? To steal a phrase, nobody ever said fuck the fire department.
"cancel culture is out of control" -same old guys
What's that?
Put 2 pride flags up this year?
Way ahead of you there buddy.
This you?
Or did I just give youā¦ ideas?
I'm actually considering getting a rainbow flag tattoo in solidarity.
Burn me if you dare.
Just a friendly suggestion... add the word "ally" to it or you may get a lot of unsolicited propositions.
There actually is an ally flag, specifically for uses like this.
They'll have a hell of a fight coming.
I really thought that the headline had to be at least just a little hyperbolic...
Nope. It's for real.
What the actual fuck...
Jesus fucking christ america. Their bio includes "and, yes, Democrats love criminals and steal your tax dollars." Did they forget their candidate is a felon?
They don't care about reality because their voter base will believe whatever they say as long as it gets their emotions riled up.
Some years ago, before Trump even took over the party, the Texas GOP started putting shit like this directly into their official state party platform. Including a nice PDF doc on their own hosted domain where you could cite everything. It was really handy for showing Enlightened Centrists that, no, it's not just a loud minority of the right. This is what the party is like now, and has been for a while.
Some of those religious nutter comments are absolutely unhinged.
Religion is a mental illness and it's astounding that it's still acceptable.
"Go commit a hate crime! And one of you is definitely going to escalate beyond burning and we won't be there to support you when you commits physical violence to a member of the LGBTQ+ community!"
Man these religiouses sure are noisy as all fuck
The republican party really are the Darleks of politics. All they know is hatred, war, and destruction.