Derogatory terms for Usonians in your native languages?
With the Norwegian government recently deciding to massively increase the US military presence in this country, I just really want to have some derogatory way of referring to Usonians in the Norwegian language. The problem is that I cannot find any good word for this: existing words fall short; foreign words I'm familiar with either don't translate well, or don't sound good when loaned, or aren't easily understood; and I'm having a hard time coming up with a brand new word to fill this gap myself.
I'm hoping that by asking here that I might be able to find some inspiration, or perhaps even be enlightened about a Norwegian-language term that I didn't know before.
"Seppo" is my favorite when speaking English, it felt kinda weird to use at first because it looks vaguely Japanese or Finnish (indeed Seppo is a Finnish name and {説法|せっぽう} means "preaching") but I quickly grew fond of the word.