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What would your contribution be for a book put together to restart a a civilization?

The title is a bit over dramatic but, per the title, if you could contribute with one piece of knowledge to a book that every single individual should learn from in order to kickstart a civilization, what would be yours?

My personal choice would be the process of soap making, from scratch.

  • The scientific method, we’ll be able to extract most information of the world around with just that and time

  • how to make good anesthetics. the horrors of medical interventions without anesthesia blows my mind.

    maybe something about dentistry too.

  • Some of the inventions that historically took way longer than you'd expect: the shoe, the wheelbarrow, and the stirrup.

    Also archival techniques so that history's not as messy the next time around.

  • Some basic concepts of medication - clean wounds (preferably with alcohol, because it kills germs), understand how germs spread, and know the basic ideas behind vaccines. If society had known these things 1000 years ago, it would've saved billions of lives.

  • I'm not sure there is anything I could contribute that someone else couldn't. Probably basic germ theory?

  • My contribution is a very practical tip for parents: When you need to carry a kid sitting on your shoulders, first pick them up and have them sit with both legs on your right shoulder. Then, with your right hand, grab the kid's right leg, and with your left hand grab the kid's left leg and lift it over your head to place it in your left shoulder. Mirror the maneuver if necessary. The result is a quick lift-sit-and-switch technique, and fewers kicks to the head.