You don't have to use gyroelongation
You don't have to use gyroelongation
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You don't have to use gyroelongation
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I also didn't know that, that's awesome!
Is it because the golden ratio contains the square root of three which is used in constructing triangles in 3d?
Wait no, it uses the square root of 5 plus one, that is pretty magical!
I assume it's because the GR has a ratio of the longer side to both sides summed. Although I can't explain it further than that lol
I knew this!
On the off chance that one of you needs to model an Icosahedron / D20 in CAD, constructing three golden rectangles is often the easiest way to go, as it removes the need for calculating face angles.
I knew this too! And have even used it for that same purpose when I was into designing custom rubiks twisty puzzles a few years ago
No fucking way!
That's the best piece of info I've had today!
I love to be pedantic so I'll point out that it had to be 3 equal mutually perpendicular golden ratio rectangles
and they also have to not only intersent perpendicularly, but also each of their centers must coincide.
laughs in modular origami
Pretty neat
This is too smart and it scares me. Kill it with fire!!!
I do, friend. I do.
Must have something to do with the fact that icosahedron is dodecahedron's dual