N.B. misandry is not real because men are not systemically oppressed (uninternalize your reddit MRA today: men suffer some drawbacks under the patriarchy but ultimately still maintain it due to the large amount of privileges they receive under it!)
Misandry is real but not in the way chuds think it is. It’s not when a woman divorces a man. Its when a woman, usually a white women, uses their social power to get a Black man lynched. It’s not a myth like the persecution of white people. But misandry is incredibly rare but it does happen so we should take it seriously.
Racism certainly has gendered aspects to it that some populations of women can exploit to do violence on other populations of men, but since this form of discrimination isn't universally applicable, I wouldn't call it misandry (because misogyny is universally applicable to all women, so there's a false equivalence).
i've never even seen anyone call it misandrnoir or any of the other ways you could do that portmanteau. everybody just calls it racism and maybe talks a little about intersections.
misandry isn't a serious concept even if we could choose to use it to describe some of us having to register for the draft and so on, but the disposability of men comes from patriarchy anyway so there's little interest in formalizing it further.
If we are treating humans like property then women are valued more than men. Men might have more individual agency but if a ship was sinking and there’s a limited amount of lifeboats it would be worse if the men took the lifeboats and left the women to die. Is that not misandry?
No, that's misogyny because it's an aspect of the objectification and enslavement of women to provide unpaid socially reproductive labor.
If you applied the same sentence to the racial equivalent in 1700s-1900s America it would be, "If we are treating humans like property then black people are valued more than white people." I think you can easily understand the problem with what you said.