Describe an episode in the worst possible way
Describe an episode in the worst possible way
I’ll start: a naked guy complaining to his host that there’s less light than advertised.
Describe an episode in the worst possible way
I’ll start: a naked guy complaining to his host that there’s less light than advertised.
Video game addiction ironically doesn't affect the teenager.
This one wins
When the Captain finds Neelix and Tuvok intertwined in an intimate coupling, she is forced to order them to break up.
Alternative: respected captain is found out to be extremely anti-species joining
OP said worst. That's the best.
Troi is sexually assaulted by an alien and brainwashed to enjoy the subsequent pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. Her child abandons her to seek out new victims and continue the cycle of abuse. Everyone rejoices
Captain Picard falls asleep; dreams of some dead people.
You mean: An old starfleet officer needs much time learning the flute.
Child actors in an elevator.
Might be my favorite bottle episode
The Poseidon adventure IN SPACE!
A boy almost gets murdered for catching a ball.
A collection of poker scenes filmed from different camera angles.
Data ignores a direct order on the advice of his poker hand.
young ferengi takes human expression "break a leg" too literally
Officers eat Troi cake and Sigmund Freud tells Data to kill everyone.
Riker and the boys go to Vegas.
Unironically my favorite TNG episode.
A shit-covered truck floating in space leads to Amelia Earhart.
That's not even a joke. That's the actual synopsis.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Nobody listens to Worf.
Data listens to a deck of cards.
The first ferangi in statfleet loses a leg and gets PTSD so hard he becomes addicted to managing a VR casino with his new best friend, the holographic lounge singer.
e: I completely forgot the best episode of ds9, “It’s 1953, America is racist and Benny Russell is crazy.”
riker shows a genderqueer person it's okay to be out and then gets them sent to conversion therapy.
Man who can't let go of past allows childhood bully to goad him into unwinnable challenge, forces friends to play history's most boring sport. They get their asses kicked.
Star Trek having more baseball than dogs means humanity really fucked up our exports.
Dogs pee on sacred trees, they are probably not welcome abroad starships.
Picard learns to play the flute.
Crusher plays a flute.
Picard explains why his post-scarcity techno-utopia can't give medicine to bronze-age dirt farmers and gets Shinzo Abe'd.
@mindbleach @Stampela holy shit
Peple talk past eachother until they don't.
He said "an" episode, not every episode
Dude lays on a bed for three weeks as Troi freaks out.
Security chief dies of contract negotiations.
The gang visits Sherwood Forest
You mean: An alien really hates a musical instrument.
This weird old elf/woman forces herself onboard and starts destroying everything. Then she does it again but this time she sees a hologram of herself and is like, "oh, sorry. guess I'll go home now. bye."
Abraham Lincoln drops a hard R.
Iowa man hauls grain, becomes involved in a minor diplomatic incident. Meanwhile, someone else on the ship wonders if he's fated to become his own ancestor.
Man visits childhood home to reconcile with himself after being forced to harm coworkers.
Riker ghosts a three-fingered lady and the military arrests him.
Han Solo comes on board, and seduces half the female crew members.
Criminal engineer whines about his imprisonment for espionage even though it was done in the most humane way without even ageing him, abuses wife and daughter on release.
Famous warrior bitches about his shitty kid to two naked women in a mud bath.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
A crew member's mother comes aboard the Enterprise to get married.
A boy wants to be like Data.
Commander Riker is being replaced so the bridge crew shoots the new commander.
Riker catches an alien "virus" (from a plant) and lays down naked under a shiny blanket for the rest of the episode. Pulaski forces Riker to dream of the most boring and worst segments from season 1 and 2.
Most shows have flashback episodes that feature highlights. TNG had a clip show that showcased the worst segments. It was the most lackluster finale episode of any Star Trek season. And this was even well after Riker "grew the beard".
Turns out the reason Tom Paris ended up with B'ellana is because the show couldn't afford to take Sarah Silverman on as a cast member.
Mark sold you vr goggles, now an ai can torture you without drawing blood
Zombie. Vulcans.
We find out if coffee can be found in a nebula.
A bunch of kids just chant “red squad” over and over again.
Woman travels back in time to check if her stalker banged her mom
The crew overstays their welcome at a board game night and the host tells them all to go home.
Janeway and Paris get it on.
Alternatively: Paris is the fastest lover in the universe.
The incel nerd guy is a victim of a data breach.
Y'know the worst episode of Stargate? Same writer, same plot, more racist, neon sets.
What's the worst episode of Stargate?
Emancipation. Short-haired blonde badass is captured and objectified by a sexist warrior culture, until she kicks someone's ass to get out of it.
A lone Banjo Player likes to have their visitor to take care of their adopted children.
Kirk out-bluffs a child.
Picard joins the Darmok fandom.
Westworld prequel
The movie Ghost, feat. Beverly
Prisoner in jail for murder is forced to kill again after rehabilitation succeeds.
A program hook-up a police and a ex-terrorist.
Kirk penetrates an alien organism in order to destroy its reproductive organs.
Angry drunk gifts bartender his wife. Forensic accounting leads to a duel where the prize is divorce.
Kirk and the Gorn.
Davidge and Jerry, Enemy Mine.
Predator, ugly son of a bitch.
Iggy Pop steals the scene.