Nah, everyone is doing podcasts. There's just no good way to find the good ones. There are a few podcast cooperative like Relay and Max Fun that have several good ones.
I would say it's actually pretty easy to find a handful of good ones. Go to the top downloaded podcasts and you'll get Stuff You Should Know, Behind The Bastards, a couple of Max Fun podcasts etc. its when you want a podcast on your specific hobby or niche interest where it falls off a cliff.
Well, this might be personal experience, but imo, radiohosts and bands on the radio used to affect me a whole lot more before. Now it's more youtubers and hot music videos on YouTube.
Even just with MTV being popular there was way more incentive to have not just a song, but a music video of it, so you could possibly get it on TV as well.
So I get how "video killed the radio star" would be a thing. But now that podcasts are quite in (for like the last decade or something idk), you could have those legendary radio hosts again.
Is this about true crime podcasts digging up old stories of murders for clicks, or is this saying that podcasters are the new radio stars, capable of becoming famous just from people listening to their voice?
The second one. Also the first panel is a reference to the song 'video killed the radio star' which was a commentary that musicians suddenly needed to be attractive to make it big.