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What are your favourite lesser known websites?

I want to see if I can get a spark of the "old internet" back by making a starting page for myself with all kinds of cool websites. But not sure where to start because Google obviously will not work for this.

So... what are some of your favourite websites?

  • It is far from lesser known, but my favorite standalone site is still Atlas Obscura.

    • So that's how 27/100 performance feels like...

      • Are these effective load times? I'm not exactly sure what this is.

        Edit to add: Am I misreading this, or is your connection throttled? I have 0 issues loading the site with Firefox + uBlock Origin, either desktop or mobile.

  • I couldn't think of many less visited sites I usually go to often, but coalregion(dot)com is an interesting site I found using this Wiby search engine a long time ago. It's a site about a region in Pennsylvania. They have a section for recipes supposedly from that region along with a section for words/slang from that regions past. They got other things, but the dictionary and recipes interest me more than the other parts.

  • is an online-play boardgame website.

    Fully DIY and community built site. Free accounts and free play, although donations are accepted.

    Fun small games to start with:

    Port Royal, Mountain Goats, Spexxx, Ali Baba, Balloon Cup, Dragonheart, Rose King, Pompeii.

    And some quality bigger games:

    Bruges, Innovation, Targi, Chakra, Stone Age, Grand Austria Hotel, Imhotep, Finca, Carcassonne South Seas, Thurn & Taxis.