Spiders eat bugs. Bugs are bugs.
Spiders eat bugs. Bugs are bugs.
cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/12816281
Spiders eat bugs. Bugs are bugs.
cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/12816281
Confidently incorrect
Edit: aaand just realized what community this is.
Confidently unknowingly correct?
Reminds me a lot about Frankenstein's Monster type comments of a similar nature.
screams echoing across the internet: Dr. Frankenstein WAS the monster!
Um, ackshully, it's pronounced Fronkensteen!
Body-building competition!
Spiders don't even have recording devices to be called bugs, ugh. They likely also don't run software.
But what would be the Internet without spiders?
moreover, they drink bugs. liquefying their insides and sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurping it up
Bug is not even a scientific definition. If I want to group spiders with bugs, that’s perfectly fine.
Doesn't "bug" refer to the order Hemiptera in entomology?
Bug is a kid’s term for bug-like things. That’s as closest to a scientific definition you’ll get. It’s like trying to precisely define creepy-crawlies.
Case in point: the children’s movie A bug’s life. There’s a spider and two rolie-polies in the main cast, along insects (not sure all are in the Hemiptera clade).
Even more to the point, many spiders drink bugs by slurping up the innards after injecting a bug-gut-melting enzyme. neat read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5553785/#:~:text=After%20physically%20attacking%20the%20prey,10%2C%2020%2C%2024%5D.
Oh god the usernames . The usernames are fucking perfect .
You are what you eat.
Do you think this person had that response all planned out ahead of time? Is that why they posted the first thing, so they could catch someone with the second?
Nah. It’s not a particularly clever comeback. I don’t doubt he was pleased to have the opportunity but I don’t think that’s why he posted.