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Alex Jones says Hitler Bad on his birthday.


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  • Can't wait to bust out this fresh Jones quote next time an annoying lib is trying to blame the Soviets as being "just as bad" as Nazis. "Why are you to the right of Alex Jones? Are you an inter-dimensional space alien, sir? Galactic law dictates that all space aliens must divulge their dimensional status upon request!"

    • You never have to hand it to Alex Jones (disgusting human being) but isnt he literally to the left of many liberals on Israel / Palestine ? Probably for wrong reasons but still...

      • He said something about it after the western food aid people got murdered. I consider Jones to be similar to Trump in that he can kinda read a room and tell when it's time to change position. Neither really hold much of an identifiable ideology besides making money/staying in power. Even Trump kinda said something like "come on, guys... gotta wrap it up!" to some pro-Israel people a couple weeks ago.

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