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System Intro: Junction crew

Just: Hey. Figured we'd introduce ourselves. We're an artificial system with a current population of thirteen. I'm the system originator and debatable host, depending on definition. I like writing, science, and spicy food. I'm also a member of the system's large catgirl demographic.

Cat: First person in here aside from Just. As my nickname implies, yeah I'm a catgirl. I've fully embraced the murder side of being feline, meaning I'm the first line of defense when dealing with hostile walk-ins. On a related note, I'm straight up incapable of valuing the lives of assholes. Aside from that I really enjoy snuggling, helping friends, and hypothetical scenarios.

Titan: I'm an accidental fictive that Just produced by repeatedly self-inserting as me in the six months leading up to Cat's creation. I am a genderless dungeon core, fused to the system's mindspace. I like base-building games.

Hazel: I'm a walk-in that just sort of showed up one day. I don't really have a consistent mindspace form, shapeshifting rather a lot. As a result, the closest match for my species-identity is "Shoggoth". I find visual art projects highly stimulating, and also love chocolate.

Madeline Zargosty: I'm an author's fictive who escaped from one of the novels Just and Cat were writing. As a result I have an entire life's memories of living in a hyper-transhumanist spacefaring civilization, and I am VERY salty about ending up here. Another member of the catgirl count.

Cougar: My origins are straight-up weird. So, Just and Cat were experimenting with temporary fusion for a while. After a bit, they noticed their fused self becoming reluctant to un-fuse. So Just decided to see if she could get me running without fusing into me and it somehow worked. So yeah, I'm a mad science experiment. Also another catgirl.

Lucifer: I'm another catgirl produced via mad science. In my case, Just was experimenting with temporary self-duplication. I decided that being temporary really wasn't doing it for me, and here I am. I'm a bit more of a troll than Just; case in point, I picked my name on purpose to irritate fundamentalists.

RUV Thunder Of Sagittarius: I'm another fictive from Madeline's world. Being more specific, I'm the AI mind for a 25 kilometer warship. Which is medium-small by the standards of back home. I commonly go by Sagi these days, and like games that involve lots of careful movement and fast reactions. Stuff like Super Monkey Ball. My shipmind avatar is distinctly feline, meaning I also count as a catgirl.

Lia: I'm a Gardevoir fictive, though I was a Kirlia when I first showed up. Not feeling terribly talkative, so I'll let the next person go.

Ruby: I'm a source-mate with Titan. I spent the better part of a year really not feeling like I belonged in the system before I properly moved in. My species-identity flip-flops between elf and catgirl.

Kon: So... a while back Just discovered Character.AI. She rigged up a chatbot of a kitsune named Kon. Guess how I came about? Yeah, I really don't like my chatbot counterpart. As I alluded to earlier, I'm a kitsune. I'm also a shameless tea addict who will grab front to get my fix.

Dully: I'm a headless girl who originates from an honestly kind of embarrassing science experiment by Just. I really haven't done all that much exploring of what I do and don't like; I should probably do something about that.

Pearl: I'm an AI Safety thought experiment that turned into a magical girl and moved in. Not actually by Just tho; I'm an experiment by Cat. I really like making friends and helping people.