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to those of you who get bored at work if there's lots of downtime, why?

I read posts about people quitting jobs because they're boring or there is not much to do and I don't get it: what's wrong with being paid for doing nothing or not much at all?

Examples I can think of: being paid to be present but only working 30 minutes to 2 hours every 8 hours, or a job where you have to work 5 minutes every 30 minutes.

What's wrong with reading a book, writing poetry or a novel, exercising, playing with the smartphone... and going home to enjoy your hobbies fully rested?

Am I missing something?

  • Context switching is the reason why. There's "downtime" where I work at because of the times I work (night time / I believe its called a "graveyard" shift). However, its never nothing for the whole shift, its intermittent. So lets say I decided to play a game (or work on a personal project, or any other number of things) I'd have to get into the mindset of whatever I'm doing, then see that a ticket has come in, switch my mindset back, answer the ticket and perform the work required for the ticket... and then switch back again.

    As @toomanypancackes said in their reply, I honestly just either want to go back to bed, or not have to worry about work and do my own thing (uninterrupted). Those aren't options unfortunately, so I'm just left to be in that weird purgatory of "There's not a lot of work to be done, but there's some every so often... so I can't completely go away". I prefer it over it being absolutely slammed with tickets because that's just exhausting.

    Every so often I'll put on a rerun of a show since it doesn't matter if I "get into" the show or not, but actually doing something significant isn't usually an option unless its actually dead during my hours.

  • Had some student jobs where I had lots of downtime, but was forbidden from doing anything other than sit there, under threat of being fired.

    Everyone found ways to be on their phone, sneak in an ear bud, or read something, but I was out of the door as soon as I had found something else.

  • What's wrong with reading a book, writing poetry or a novel, exercising, playing with the smartphone...

    Ask your manager. They'll probably say something like "it looks untidy".

  • As someone else mentioned, some jobs have micromanagers who get pissy if they think you aren't working, and keeping up appearances is draining.

    From a different perspective, however, is that when it comes to creative fields specifically, downtime means you aren't improving your skills, creating portfolio work, etc. Due to the contracts creative jobs often have, anything you create on company time (and sometimes outside of company time, not that they can legally enforce it, but they'll try) is typically owned by the company. As such, working on personal projects during downtime is a great way to lose ownership of a passion project you're working on, and no official work means you aren't improving or adding to your portfolio (not that creative fields typically have downtime, usually they're the opposite).

    It's speculated that that's why Valve had some major staff members leave the company a few years before Half-Life Alyx; they had nothing to do and were just sitting there spinning their wheels.

  • All I want to do is go back to bed. I can't do that, so I have to sit there twiddling my thumbs and occasionally refreshing my case load to see if there's something to do yet. I still prefer it to actually working because I don't have to think as hard, but it is pretty boring.

  • I suppose it depends on a lot of things. My personal viewpoint is neurological. My brain and body dont work well in slow moving jobs, especially if they have surprise „hurry up and wait“ situations.

    The other problem is that where I live you get fired if you read on the job, no matter if you dont have any work for 6 out of 8 hrs. You‘re supposed to get busy or at least look busy.

    Thats why I usually work self employed. I can decide what to do with my time. I usually work a lot more than 8 hrs and I expect to be paid for the work I do, not the minimum required amount I am owed.

  • What’s wrong with reading a book, writing poetry or a novel, exercising, playing with the smartphone… and going home to enjoy your hobbies fully rested?

    I tried doing these sorts of things and was punished for it. If I can’t find work to do, then the only thing I’m allowed to do is stand (not sit) at my station until something happens.