Maybe public ones but the good thing about electric is you plug in and either walk away or sit in your car you don't need to be outside near the pump to charge.
I don't even have an EV and I have to see the ads on the chargers because they're in front of the store I'm walking into. So far, I've only noticed that at grocery stores, but it's annoying.
Maybe, but I don't think it's worth it. With a gas car, you stand idle at the pump for a few minutes making sure that nothing bursts into flames or gas doesn't overflow. Charging an EV isn't like that. They've got about 5 seconds of your time at the most.
Fast charging is constantly improving though, I wouldn't be surprised if we reach a point where EV charging improves to a point where it takes roughly the same time as charging an ICE vehicle in the 2030s.
Well, Toyota's claims about batteries are intended to convince people not to buy EVs yet. They're going to be SO much better real soon now so just buy another Toyota gas car and think about EVs next time.
It's just another flavour of the anti-EV FUD Toyota has been spewing for a decade now. They're also saying that hydrogen is the future and that gas will always be 70%+ of the car market, so you have your choice of anti-EV FUD. Consistency doesn't matter when you're running a disinformation campaign.
Volta has level2 free chargers in some of the grocery stores in my area. Pretty big screens. I don't pay attention to them when I'm charging while shopping.