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How to deal with living in a world with no future without being high 24/7?

Been high nonstop for years. I realize it's bad for my health. But at least being high feels good.

My future is on a planet becoming increasingly unhabitable, under a government becoming increasingly fascist, doing nothing but working and still not being able to afford rent or food, never traveling, never making real friends much less finding a life partner, water quickly becoming a luxury, and with zero chance of ever retiring.

So why even bother?

  • Not sure what drugs you're doing but I'm about 6 years clean now. One thing that helped me the most was rediscovering my passion for video games. I guess my advice would be to find a hobby or something to focus on and forget about the world for a few hours.

    If you want to feel like you're doing something productive, get involved in your local community. It's very difficult to fight fascism at a macro level but building bonds and protecting those in your immediate vicinity makes more of a difference than it seems.

  • Things probably won't get better for everyone but they definitely won't get better for you. If the future you want is one where the world is better and you are healthier than what you have to do is get better and then just roll the dice on the world getting better.

  • join an organization by volunteering in soup kitchens or something similar. educate yourself and radicalize others while building a mutual aid network, so that you will have comrades in case you ever end up in need. and even if you dont succeed you can at least say that you are helping others.

  • Feel the same way, smoke weed every day. I just don’t want to contribute to such a shit world. Doesn’t help I live in FL. Been trying to get out of this state for awhile now but it’s just so expensive to just live let alone move.

  • One should always be drunk, that's all that matters.

    So as not to feel time's horrible burden

    That breaks your shoulders and bows you down

    You must get drunk without ceasing.

    But what with?

    With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you choose.

    But get drunk

    "Be Drunk" by Charles Baudelaire, as interpreted by Liam Clancy

  • You define your own meaning of life. Whether you are Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Jew, or whatever, that is still true. If you want to be high literally all the time, go nuts and have fun with it - but please note, it sounds like you don't, not really?

    Consider possibly joining a support group, to help you through working that all out, by hearing stories of others who are further ahead on that path than you? Plus you may be surprised that you could be further ahead along it than you thought.

    And yeah the world really does seem fucked, but so what? Don't use that as an excuse to give up, if you would rather have more fun standing up on your own two feet. The world may burn (and freeze, and more likely alternate rapidly between both extremes), but you still get to decide what you want to do about it!:-P

    Maybe watch the movie Braveheart, as William Wallace (Mel Gibson) gets eviscerated at the end, knowing full well that he could have chosen to avoid it, but instead choosing to value his pride... and freedom. We all die, every single person who has ever lived has died up until now (barring weird freak events like someone time-traveling from the past beyond us into the future:-P), but you get to choose how you want to LIVE.

  • Well there is ALWAYS pessimistic and optimistic view on everything. But I do not mean naive or stupid. I mean optimistic.

    Pessimist: "It makes no sense to improve my situation, because I will fail! I will not even try." Stupid: "Things are not bad. Nothing to change here." Naive: "Things will fix themselves." Optimist: "Well things may be bad, but we can, and we will fix them."

    So to answer your concrete questions:

    • unhabitable planet: lets vote for green parties, lets push for green energy. Results will not be immediate, but we will get there. Yes it will get hotter a few degrees and will cause some weather problems. But we can fix it.
    • fascist government: Vote for better, join movement. Or if things are really extreme in your country. Move to a democracy.
    • money problems: you can change your job. Yes it can be very hard, but If you really try (improve your cv, reeducate yourself, change profession) you can get really good jobs. You can learn sales and be really good salesman with very high pay without ever going to college.
    • social issues: go out, meet new people, join some class, start a hobby.

    Yes I know mentioned things can be awfully hard to achieve. Buy you can achieve them. One by one. As to why bother? You do not have to. But that is the beauty of it. You can try to improve things as many times as you want. It will be hard, but things can be way better.

    If nothing else I would bother to fix my life (and the world) just for the sake of curiosity. To see how good can life actually get.

  • Join Politics.

    Win people's support. Voice your concerns, if they are widely realised you will definately make a difference for people you care for.

  • You're not crazy. Our future on this world is fucked, I can't deny that. Only thing I would say is that getting high all the time is nice in some ways but in other ways it sucks and is even worse than being abstinent, because you'll cause yourself more problems that you'll be forced to deal with until it's all over, and who knows how long that's going to take?

  • Change the things you can change. I'm sure you can change more things than you think.

    I don't know how you can afford rent or food. In my country there is a social safety net where you will be provided housing and food if you can't afford it. If you don't have that, try reducing costs somehow, move to lower cost of living, look for a shittier place with less rent, idk as I don't know the reality of your situation. If you're from the US, I thought you do have at least limited social safety net?

    Traveling is overrated, at least overseas. If you have any way to get around at all, traveling locally can scratch that itch. Also video games do indeed scratch the travel itch.

    Making real friends and finding a life partner, both of those things are possible for anyone regardless of circumstances. I don't know why you think you can't do it, but I'm pretty sure the reason is just in your head, so something you can change.

    Water becoming a luxury and never retiring does not affect you yet, all future things don't, i.e. it should be irrelevant for your happiness right now. While it is often a good idea to plan for the future, you can leave some things, like the world ending or similar, for future you to deal with and just actually not care about it right now. It's actually your decision to choose to feel bad right now about future things, I assure you, you can choose to not feel bad about them.

  • Have you considered joining a cult?

    • Yeah make sure it's not just any standard garden variety cult. It has to be a DEATH cult. Preferably one where there is a cool uniform, like dark hooded robes.