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What is the last video game that you were completely hooked on?

The kind of game you daydream about while at school or work because you can’t wait to come home and play some more.

  • Currently Horizon: Forbidden West. So glad the PC port only took 2 years this time around rather than 5 for the first one (or however long it was)

  • Horizon Forbidden West just released on PC, been hooked on it since then.

    • I watched a 14 hour silent walkthrough of it. It's a game that I actually don't enjoy playing (I played the first), but I do love the plot so much. Fuck Ted Faro

    • I've got so tired of open world games that I couldn't get to like the first one. I'll blame Ubisoft for it.

  • Kenshi. Just the sheer dynamic ant-farm nature of it made the grind somehow all the more the worth. Even if you cheat and max out all your stats, you can still invent your own narrative in your head for what you think is happening.

  • I think there are two answers to this.

    The most recent game I was completely captivated by and just obsessed with was Subnautica. I was deep into it in 2022.

    The most recent one I spent a long time playing is Satisfactory, I started my most recent run in mid-December and completed it a week or two ago. Satisfactory didn't quite grab me the way Subnautica did in terms of loving this world, but I get into it. I had a goal of 100% full clearing it including buying all the trophies before it was out of early access, so I did.