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Trolls of Lemmy, what is up with that?

I can understand the desire to get as many downvotes as possible on reddit. I don't sympathize, but I can at least see where people are coming from. Because Reddit gives you that total and shows it to you.

And I'm sure it's possible to use an API to really that number up on Lemmy, but "total karma" doesn't seem to be something Lemmy cares about by default, so where is the motivation coming from?

Is it just the same reason people have always been trolls? Because I've never quite understood that, either

  • Trolls are just bullies, I guess. For some of them, getting a rise out of people strikes then as funny, probably because of superiority issues. The psychology is interesting, but those people likely aren't leading very happy lives. Karma probably isn't top of their priority beyond it being funny how many people have gotten a rise.

    There's also toxic people who hang around with trolls and other toxic people. They form social groups where some minority group becomes the butt of a joke, which then becomes an "in joke". This historically has been against lgbt folks, certain nationalities, furries, disabled people and neurodivergent people, among others.

    Then those people internalise those feelings, and spread them to other social groups, where they either land or the person gets confused as to why people hate them. If you run a community, you need to keep an eye out for this sort of thing and stop it before it takes hold.

    Trolls attack people to get a reaction. Toxic people attack people out of indifference to their feelings.

    There's also a group of people that feel they have a moral imperative to help people. That is, they should actively spread their own moral views and opinions so that other people may learn from them. This may or may not be a problem depending on the views of you and the platform.

    Anyway, that's just me rambling a bit, sorry if it's all nonsense.

    • Trolls are just bullies, I guess.

      I guess that's the root of it. I don't really understand the mentality of bullies.

      Like, the kid who gets picked on and stays picking on the smaller kids when he gets bigger because his home life sucks and that's just always the way it's been for him... I maybe get it, but I don't think anyone thinks that's a good way to be, and they can stop once they start interacting with a better social group and see how it can be better. Right?

      Is it really just that but online, or what have you? Idgi

      • My conclusion is that many of those who act in a bullying or antisocial manner are negative attention seeking.

        Everyone needs attention. It's a human trait to seek attention. More or less attention depending upon the individual, but the need is always there.

        Ideally, people learn how to garner attention through positive routes. These can include friendships, helping others, awards, competition, sports, or music/theater performance. As children and growing up, we learn strategies to get attention. This is hopefully guided by our parents, authority figures, friends, and society to teach you ways to get attention in a positive and socially acceptable manner, with the best forms helping other people in the process.

        Unfortunately, not everyone either gets that formative training or just never understands. I thinks it's more the former than the latter (instead discussion of sociopaths and psychopathy here). Many of the kids that I've been around who have bulling mentalities responded very well to an authority figure first standing them down, then working on attention positive strategies. They often just didn't have the tools to integrate in a group without bullying to be seen. I'm not a trained social/psychologist professional, but I've worked with a lot of kids over the years, and this approach has worked the vast majority of the time.

        Adults who never figured out how to get positive attention seek negative attention. That loud muffler? It's about demanding attention. The yelling in a restaurant? Attention. They are frustrated at the world sometimes because people don't give them attention and one of their only tools in their toolbox to get attention is to be annoying because negative reactions are still reactions.

        I pity those people. That's a sad life. It makes for bad transactional style friendships, hateful marriages, and leaves them ill equipped to raise children that will have positive tools in their own lives. If their children do figure out how to be positive in communities, that should also help them to see how their parents are toxic, so it's a no win for the parent in that scenario.

        There's, of course, always exceptions such has narcissistic traits, sociopaths, and other mental illnesses, but for most people looking at their behaviors through a lens of attention seeking frameworks fits well enough. Trolls online are to be pitied because they're sad and want attention, but don't know how to get it without bullying and trolling in life.

      • I guess for some people there's no "good" or "bad" way to be. There's just the real world, and that's it.

        If people have been through abuse and trauma, they've been surrounded by people who think that power is the most important thing. And I guess that gets internalised to the extent that "strong" and "weak" becomes their axis instead of "right" and "wrong".

        I think it's rather telling that the narrative that these people lay out usually revolves around the idea that people should get a thicker skin or learn to deal with it.

        And sadly, I don't think people that have gone through those things are able to find and maintain a good social group of positive people.

  • I think it's just human nature to get enjoyment at making other people upset. It comes from a lack of empathy, understanding, and perspective.

    When I was young, my cousin and I would hop into randomly chosen public chatrooms on MSN, or Yahoo, and just start typing stupid messages. We'd spam the chat with constans messages of "booger" or "poopy fart" and watch people get annoyed with us. Sometimes we'd pick a random message from someone and call them out telling them "hey {username}, shut up stupid." The whole chatroom would get mad and tell us to leave, or to stop, and that made us keep doing it more. For a good half hour to 45 min, the entire chatroom was having a bad time except us, who were laughing out heads off at how mad they got and how compeley powerless they were to stop us.

    We were also 10.

    We haven't experienced how annoying and frustrating that actually is. We didn't understand or even care just how disruptive we were being, nor did we care about our contribution to making the space a bad space to be in. We, as children, didn't have the empathy, compassion, or perspective of experience to care about that, and were just reveling in the attention and the power to force a group of strangers to focus on us and not what they originally wanted to.

    Some people eventually develop empathy, self awareness, gain perspective on the world, or otherwise come to understand how immature these acts areof getting joy at being annoying, and stop. Other people don't. The internet is home to people in all different stages of their life's journey, and a lot of them haven't reached that point yet.

    Some troll because they're immature. Some do it because they actively dislike a community and pettily get joy at annoying them. Some people just like the attention. People are complicated and weird, and often hard to understand. There is just one thing that will always be true:

    As long as people exists, so too will trolls.

  • I like to think my trolling is more fun and whimsical, but I guess I mostly just troll bigots and whatnot.

  • I'm not a troll on Lemmy, but there's another internet forum where I let it out a little. That one's a hobby forum, and it happens to be a hobby that a lot of people are trying to monetise. The forum rules are clear that you're not welcome to advertise your product unless you participate in discussion as well. Of course, a lot of advertisers post without bothering to read the rules first. They're engaging with us in bad faith, so I feel justified in doing the same to them. I like to ask disingenuous questions and pretend to be stupid while stringing them along with the possibility of a sale. So:

    • It's fun to mildly bully people who've done something to deserve it.
    • You could have bought a banner advert, Scrooge.
    • Would you mind dming me that forum sounds fun? Oh on our Instance we have internet trolls anonymous community you can posts your trolling screen shots to

  • Trolls are trolls. The number is an excuse on Reddit, but it's not the reason they really do it. If it were, why are there trolls on Twitter, Facebook, and in the YouTube comment section?

  • As long as I get some amount of engagement, the points really don't matter to me. I once posted something in an attempt to call attention to misogyny. The post broke no rules, but given my intent, I suppose it could be considered trolling. Most people (and probably some of their sock puppets) didn't agree with me and I got quite a few downvotes on the post itself and in the comments, but if it made one person reconsider their position, it was worth it to me.

    • I think in my mind trolling has to be perpetrated in bad faith, i.e. your stated intentions and actual intentions are at least different and quite possibly contrary. Doesn't sound like you were trolling.

  • yes. its human nature to push boundaries. mostly the more immature humans, but definitely a human issue not even really tied to forums.