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Families ‘hung out to dry’ by new restrictions on disability support

So, our government's "crack down on beneficiaries" also includes disabled children.

Apparently disabled people are, what? Leaches sucking the life out of the economy or something?

How long until disabled people have to "work" for their support? Or perhaps we should just put them on a train and take them to a "work camp"?


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  • I'm one of the parents of a child that qualifies us for this funding. It was fairly challenging for us to find an angle to use it prior to the changes, and after them it is very close to useless.

    The kids covered by it often can't leave their homes without a huge amount of distress ( think of the worst meltdown your neurotypical kid has ever had ). Parents of kids at the higher end of the autism spectrum are often being hit and bit every day. Finding anyone who will deal with this for the $80 a day respite funding is often incredibly unrealistic.

    The single brain celled analysis of the minister complaining about pedicures being paid for with respite money annoys the hell out of me. Having a kid at the extremes of disability is a life sentence. It is a marathon rather than a sprint. Your kid might never smile at you or thank you ever for a life time of care. If a pedicure is what will fit in the hour and a half window that you can arrange for the your kid to be safe, and it keeps you going for the next couple of weeks I think is an absolute bargain.

    Stuff that might seem frivolous on its face like buying lego or games might be the only option for some parents to get a couple of hours without needing to wrangle their kids.

    We have a great kid that is towards the more high functioning end of the autism spectrum and are in a financial position where it doesn't matter that much to us. I feel horribly bad for anyone who was making good use of this funding and now are facing having to go it alone again.

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