LEGO price per part over the years
LEGO price per part over the years
Has LEGO prices gone up or down? Let's find out.
LEGO price per part over the years
Has LEGO prices gone up or down? Let's find out.
I could be wrong, and/or it could just be the sets that get my attention have changed over the years as my interests change, but I feel that while the price/part has remained reasonable in many cases, it seems like there's a shift in focus towards small details, which while the sets look nice, means that you just don't get physically as much out of them.
Was definitely expecting system to be more expensive over time but I'm pleasantly surprised
Interesting stats. I could've sworn the PPP had gone up lately. So this means that sets have been getting more expensive not because part price increases but actual part increase ( more, smaller parts in a more intricate design). What's more surprising to me is that City, which is a System theme with supposedly no licensing, has twice the PPP of Creator.
That's pretty much what I expected, which is really cool to see. The next number I would love to see is some sort of price per weight comparison. As pointed out, the next common argument is that LEGO sets have a lot more smaller pieces now, so if the PPP has stayed roughly the same, the price per weight should have gone up.