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  • With the prevalence of cornucopias used in Thanksgiving artwork and how we (people in the US) were force-fed all of it growing up, I imagine allowed the juxtaposition

  • Regardless of reality, the one with the cornucopia looks better

  • I don't get the Mandela effect. I never even heard of the guy until he was released from prison. Still, didn't reoffend so I guess he learned his lesson.

    Pretty sure Fruit of the Loom didn't have that font either. I think that's a new one.

    I did think it was Berenstein bears, but in fairness I did only have one book and it was a worn out scratch and sniff book where all the pages smelt vaguely of pepper. Also a six year old's memory might not be the most reliable thing in the world.

  • I never remembered the logo on the left. It definitely wasn't something I've ever seen on those cheap clothes.