Do you see Black and Blue, or White and Gold?
Do you see Black and Blue, or White and Gold?
Do you see Black and Blue, or White and Gold?
I can't do this again...
I know I'm wrong, but it's just staring at me gold & white. It's right there, clearly, and I don't know how to explain it to those who see it the other way.
I can't really See einher white and gold nor black and blue. It's more a baby blue and brownish to golden color for me. Can't really say it's black or white at all
I was able to see it blue and black one time, I'm not wasting my time trying to see it again, lol
If I remember from the first time this came around it had a lot to do with how your eyes interpreted the lighting in the image. Try putting it away then looking at it in different light settings and often it allows you to see the other one.
I've definitely seen it on numerous devices in various lighting since it became a thing, and it just looks the same to me.
how the fuck does this look like anything other than blue and black?!?!
Looks to me like a white and gold dress that's being shaded from the ambient light. In reality, it's a black and blue dress with a yellow light cast on it.
Your mind naturally tries to compensate for color shifts caused by light. For example, a white car still looks white to you at sunset and in the moonlight even though it is actually reflecting that red or blue light, not white light (i.e. all colors of light). That's because your eye recognizes the general pallete of the ambient light and makes an interpretation automatically about the colors of the objects you see.
That's happening in this picture too, either correctly interpreting it as black and blue in yellow light or incorrectly as white and gold in shade. But even knowing it's incorrect, changing your brain's interpretation is not easy.
Well... I would say the interpretation is done by the brain not the eyes...but yeah.
(Unless I am wrong and there is something on the eyes doing t....)
EDIT: Nvm you say this at the end my reference was to the palette parts you say about the eyes recognizing
My guess is that some people don't see the gestalt, they get stuck on the actual RGB color values, which float around light gray/blue, and a dark gold.
From what I read at the time, there's an intrinsic lighting judgement being made. It could be one dress being lit in natural light, or another lit under a florescent bar. They both would produce the same RGB values.
Interestingly nobody has been able to replicate the effect in another image. It's truly remarkable and one of the best things off of the internet.
Because your brain doesn't just straight up show you the raw color value sent by your eyes, it tries to estimate the true color of the object based on lighting and context cues.
If you look at a chess board with a gradient shade on it, you brain will tell you the squares are black and white, even tough they are really all completely different shades of grey to your eyes. Depending on the context, literally the same color can appear black or white to you.
All because your brain is trying to be a smartass.
For the first time ever I saw white and gold with this instance of the picture. It scrolled from the bottom of my phone screen and I was wondering what this white and gold picture was.... Then I saw it was the dress and I recreated the effect for myself a couple times because I was shocked that I'd finally made the dress look white and gold!
Most of the time it's obviously black and blue, I wonder if this version is doctored slightly, because I've literally never seen it as white and gold before today.
And now the effect is gone.. :-(
I can't not see white and gold. The white just looks like it's in shadow.
since when are shadows blue
Shadow Color
In real life, shadows often appear to be a different color than the area around them. For example, outdoors on a sunny day, shadows can appear to be tinted blue. The shadows appear blue because the bright yellow light from the sun is blocked from the shadow area, leaving only indirect light and blue light from other parts of the sky.
So basically, if the light source has a yellow color to it (which many often do), the shadows can appear blue.
Only once in my life did I see it gold and white
I also seen it as gold ones, for half a second when seeing this thumbnail.
It's always been white and gold for me
Me too. Everyone else is fucked.
whoever get this confused has never fix the white balance of a picture's color temperature
Relevant recent news article...
Is it a crime story or a story about the dress? I can't really tell. Like I think it's about domestic violence, but then I read another paragraph and then all I can see is about the dress, and then it changes back again.
Literally looks like two different colored dresses. I know that's the real color, but I just cannot see it. Shrug.
Right? Thats always been my take.
The picture's exposure/brightness whatever has been so overadjusted that the black and blue looks white and gold.
You can tell me over and over that its "actually black and blue", and even show me the real dress beside it, but I cannot for the life of me shift my view on the original picture and somehow view the dress as black and blue.
Wow, it switched for me in the time it took me to scroll down the page. That's new.
Why does the right one not have sleeves?
Neither do, that’s an accessory jacket sold along with the dress.
The original photo was for bridesmaid dresses, being sent out as an approval picture or something.
Looks like they were considering adding a short sleeved jacket to the ensemble.
I see blue and gold. Am I having a stroke?
Nope. It depends on how your brain determines the lighting of the photo.
More fun. Brown doesn't exisit:
Fun Fact: The same day, February 26, 2015, the Interwebz blew the fuck up about this goddamn dress, some Llamas escaped from captivity and we were all equally captivated by their chase for hours, it was an amazing 24 hours online
The colour picker continues to tell me that it is a light shade of blue, near white, and a medium shade of brown, similar to gold.
Not this shit again!
This dress is now connected to a murder attempt. Don't believe me? Here you go. for those seeing white and gold. Also the screen you're looking at it on matters so much.
Edit: I did find a neat bug with DarkReader on though. It reads the white pixels as black with the magnifier on the right. Even turning off it's still pretty blue and white... Apparently it actually pulls the color judging by what your screen shows though... which is pretty neat all considering. The crosshair is on the large white empty space to the right of the large black stripe in the middle.
DarkReader off:
DarkReader on:
So I tried this and even but it will find only brown/gold and light blue/blue/white depends where you focus it on. This image itself contains no black pixels simple as it is.
See I get nothing but blue and gold... Which is the entire crux of the illusion lol. Your brain just makes up for the color shift due to previous images it's seen with washed out saturation due to ISO / artificial light boost.
Seems to me a color picker confirms white and gold. Although the white has a bluish tint, some areas don't even have that, and are light grey. There is no doubt the gold (black) is different tones between brown and yellow, which is the RGB you'd expect for a gold color.
I don't get the same at all. Can you send a screenshot? This was the easy hack to show the image is literally Blue and Gold/Brown. The rest is the entire point of the optical illusion.
White and gold
I see blue and gold.
Same. Cornflower blue and a really dirty gold. The actual dress was blue and black so their lightning must've been hella yellow.
Only ever been blue and gold for me.
Me too!
I see dead people.
I see dead memes
I am no longer able to see the white and gold glory :(
Same here. When this was new I had 10 tabs open with articles about this dress, they were all white and gold. Then all of a sudden on the 11th tab I saw it as blue and black and thought it was a different picture. Went back through the other 10 tabs and they were all blue and black now.
I was able to see white and gold once more a few days later, but it was short lived and I haven't been able to see anything else but blue and black for years now.
I was convinced that half the internet was just lying back then, like one big global troll fest, especially since everyone I knew saw the same white and gold as I did. But just now my wife suddenly saw it as blue and black and she thinks I'm crazy, even though we both saw it as white and gold back in the day. So now I finally know that people were telling the truth.
Logically I realize the "white" is bluish-gray, especially if I stretch it out to the edges of my phone so I'm not influenced by the backlighting in the photo. But I held it up next to my black cat and the "black" isn't even close. At most it's brown, which is what gold looks like in shadow. Compare it to your background if you're on night mode, or your text if not. No black there.
Black garments aren't ever perfectly black, vanta black is as close as it gets, but depending on the lighting "black" materials will absolutely reflect some light. The dress is actually blue and black and the reason people see it differently is to do with how our brains try to colour correct for lighting conditions.
I see black and blue with a yellow over wash because of lighting.
To see white and gold in shadow, I have to remove all context prompts, like strip out the background and all lighting artifacts.
I just can't see the white and gold in context. Too many years of colour correcting photos.
I can't see white and gold no matter what, I am ever-so-slightly color blind (supposedly) so maybe that's part of it?
It is important to remind the audience that the author of this picture heavily abused his girlfriend/wife
Craziest part is that it was used in a famous campaign for domestic abuse several years before the husband in the wedding got arrested for domestic abuse.
Because she insisted that she saw blue and gold.
Only thing that allowed me to see the incorrect colours
Oh, that is brilliant.
I always see lavender and gold, dunno if I should worry or not.
No. Blue and Gold.
So about an hour ago I was showing this to my wife, we both saw white and gold and thought this is silly. But now somehow I am seeing blue and black and she is still seeing white and gold. Fuck me.
Somehow this feels older than rage comics.
It's a black and blue dress that looks white and gold in washed out sunlight.
It turns out that some materials play with light in ways that seem unexpected, and our rigid definitions of color don't always fit well around them.
That's a perfect demonstration. Shame I didn't see this back when all the fuss was being made about it...
I see the defendant guilty of attempted murder and considering the severity of the crime I hereby sentence the defendant to 15 years in prison.
For half a second when I was scrolling I saw white and gold, but now it's blue and black. I can't flip it again.
Same here. White and gold for a moment, then blue and black.
Still white and gold even after all these years, though I did see blue and black once, but that was with the corner of my eye then.
Blue and gold.
Just depends on what lighting your brain perceives it. I see it as black and blue so clearly in the thumbnail.
When opening up the full image, it's white-and-gole. Light properties and additive/subtractive colors be wilding.
I’ve seen this both ways in the past but something cool is happening right now.
First I saw white and gold when this scrolled up into my feed.
Now that I’m in the thread (in a client that has Dark Mode), if I spend a few seconds reading comments and then scroll UP to the picture, it looks blue & black for a second and then that FADES into white and gold.
How blue and black can fade into white and gold I can’t explain but it’s happening right in front of my eyes.
Same here. I was looking at this like an hour ago and it was blue/black, now I saw this post again and it's white/gold...
Same device, no matter if I change screen brightness or ambient lighting in the room
I'm not religious, but I'm gonna call priest
Holy fuck, that just happened 😯
It always depends on the saturation of the image. When it's fucked up and darkened, it appears blue and black. When lightened, it shows the true white and gold.
I've never seen black, only gold and white or gold and blue
White and gold today.
White and gold obviously.
Scrolls down....reads some comments....scroll back up.
WTF, how did that happen. Now it's black and blue.
Always been black and blue for me. Never been able to see it as white and gold.
Not again. This dress messed up my whole world view.
You know what? Blue and gold.
I see brownish gold and bluish white. I can never make the gold entirely black nor the white entirely blue.
It's still amazing to me how much this screws with people. That not everyone experiences things the same way shouldn't be a hard concept.
It's black and blue.
Oh, not again...
So I can only see white and gold, but if I angle my phone away from me and look at the side, it turns black and blue. When I straighten it out again, back to white and gold.
I've seen both. Blue and black more though
It's always been white and gold.
I See &... I mean & ;
White and gold
I've seen both, but right now, I'm seeing black and blue.
I see tremendous sadness everywhere I look, overtaking the entirety of humankind and sending us into a spiral towards the vast, infinite void of the unknown; the final, peaceful reprieve we struggle to prevent.
Jk white and gold.
Edit: now blue and gold. I hate this picture sometimes.
Me and my gf are looking at the same picture on the same screen. I see gold and white and she sees black and blue. What the actual fuck?
I generally see the black and blue, but I find it pretty easy to see the white and gold too if I focus on the top part of the image.