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  • How about a UBI? Do social policies count as technologies? They do in 4X games, so I'm going with it.

    • I would categorize UBI as a policy/law, more than a tech thing.

      • Yeah. But on the other hand, isn't civics sort of a technology too? Policies were invented, no?

        I guess you could say the UBI has already been invented, but I think practical implementation is important too. Same as if I'd said we should do fusion power or something.

  • I don't know how plausible this is, but a way for trans men and trans women to exchange sexual traits. There might be an answer elsewhere in that there are animals that can change sex in certain conditions so there is some biological evidence of possibility in a singular case. However it seems anti-poetic that we have genetic females who want to be genetic males and genetic males who want to be genetic females and the answer that we currently have as society is for them to go fuck themselves.

    I guess for more realistic, then deep dive VR.

  • I would stay in relatively achievable things like a sugar fuel cell or microbial food production. Things we don't quite have yet but not do to the knowledge not being there.