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Why in Sci-Fi they always use Marine or Naval terminology and structure instead of Aviation for the spaceship structure, navigation and military ranks?

I don't really know how to structure this question, but yeah, why is always Naval and never Aviation?

  • Because they're way more like ships than they are planes -- Planes don't stay in the air indefinitely or take long voyages, have large crews, etc -- They often treat the fighter pilot space ship people like AF though -- Like if I have a 'carrier' with a bunch of smaller ships on it

  • The purpose of Air Force is to monitor the skies, project power at a distance, and provide air superiority.

    The purpose of Navy is to put a floating fortress off your shore and bombard your cities, carry around materiel, men, and aircraft, and patrol a vast volume of ocean.

    So Navy structures fit the mission better, and this has been true since early SF.

  • I'll agree with the other posters that being on a spaceship maps better to being on a ship than it does being in an airplane, but I would add to it one other maybe overlooked factor: Robert Heinlein served in the navy and clearly had a massive hard-on for it and included all sorts of pro-war and pro-military themes in his work, and that all came from the POV of the navy and included lots of specifically naval elements to what was presented, and he was a big enough presence in the field that it left a mark that lasts to the present day.

  • I gotta imagine that each planet in a sci fi setting would have its oen airforce, where as the compasion of space to a vast ocean makes sense for the organization tasked with patroling it.

  • You'll sometimes see aviation terms for the little fighters that launch from the larger ships, like in macross. I think it's a matter of scale, really. An airplane will usually have single digit crew, maybe double digit. A warship will have hundreds, and the bigger the ship the more the crew.

  • Aviation and marine vehicles are both flying, just in different fluids.