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I want to switch to Linux but there are a few major hurdles.

So I have a situation. I really want to switch to Linux as my main gaming/production OS but need the Adobe suite as I am a graphic designer. Adobe is the golden standard for this industry (and likely to always be) so while Gimp and Inkscape might work, they are not feasible for my career. I also know that there will be situations where games just don't run well or at all on Linux.

Dualbooting works but is not really worth it for me as I would have to stop what I'm doing and restart my PC. I heard that you can set up a single GPU passthrough for games and software but it seems complicated. How difficult would that be to set up for a new user to Linux? I would consider myself a tech savvy person but I know very little about the ins and outs of Linux. I have a massive GPU (XFX RX 6900 XT) with a big support bracket that covers the second PCIE slot so buying another GPU isn't really feasible either.

I do have an Unraid server with decent specs that I use for a hosting Minecraft servers and Jellyfin so setting up a VM on that might be a good option.

What would you guys recommend me to do?

  • I really want to switch to Linux as my main gaming/production OS but need the Adobe suite

    That's not a hurdle... that's a wall.

    If your livelihood depends on running a Windows-only application, run it on a Windows computer.

    You are, of course, free to also have a Linux computer for everything else. Use a KVM switch to toggle between them, or something like Synergy or Barrier to pass the mouse/keyboard/clipboard between both PCS. Share the storage between them over your network.

    • Yep. My work requires some Windows programs, and I run them on a separate Windows machine I got for cheap. The only policy I have is no personal computing on Windows, and I keep it disconnected from the internet permanently. That OS is creepy af.

  • I went Mac. it’s UNIX, and far better than suck-ass windows… but there’s a real limitation when it comes to gaming… Linux is supporting more and more games and macOS isn’t so much… that might change soon, it might not.

    Personally, I’m not so much of a gamer, and I really like the Apple ecosystem. I run linux on my server and love it, too, and macOS plays really nice with linux. But if gaming is big for you AND you need Adobe apps like I do, then you’ll have to dual-boot if you want your main OS to be linux.

    As for learning the ins-and-outs: there’s a leaning curve we ALL go through, and you’ll always be learning more as you go. But there’s never been a better time to learn as there’s never been more resources to help nor more community to support you with any and every problem you could ever have. Now is a very exciting time for linux. it’s super.

    So, if I were you, I’d consider the switch away from Windows. You can dual-boot (or run a VM) or find a way to run Adobe Apps via Wine (not sure how that works). Personally, I couldn’t live without them and am very happy with macOS, but it’s not for everyone. Maybe you’ll be able to live with dual-booting into windows for wen you need to work and living the rest of the time in linux. it’s a journey you’re just going to have to take.

    best of luck to you!

    • True! I am still going to college and the school I will be transferring to requires a MacBook so I have to get one anyway.

      Does Mac OS have the same issues as Windows where settings change each update? That is my major annoyance with Windows.

      • True! I am still going to college and the school I will be transferring to requires a MacBook so I have to get one anyway.

        I’m pretty sure you’ll like it, a hell of a lot more that Winblows anyway. like I said, macOS is UNIX (which linux was made to emulate), so they’re interoperable and have very similar architectures under the hood. macOS is defiantly different in its Apple-y ways, but still plays very nice with linux systems and also supports many linux software ports. There’s also a macOS command-line package manager called Homebrew that’s used to distribute many of these crossover software packages.

        Does Mac OS have the same issues as Windows where settings change each update?

        NO! macOS updates very rarely (if ever) break things, even with the legendarily persnickety Adobe apps, mostly because Adobe apps don’t have to hack shit in order to run on macOS, because macOS isn’t a dumpster fire of an OS like windows is.

  • Youre stuck on Windows Im afraid, and Im pretty sure Adobe will never make a linux port

  • Adobe suite is one thing that is still an immense pain to get running on Linux, if you can even get it running at all. There aren't a whole lot of good alternatives depending on your workflow, either. GIMP can be a good Photoshop substitute, but there isn't really a good Illustrator substitute (Inkscape doesn't support CMYK, for example), and it gets worse for the other tools in the suite, so your mileage may vary with that approach.

    As others have said, a VM is an option. But, how about a KVM? Maybe it sounds old school, but you could have a Linux box for home / fun / gaming that just shares peripherals with a Windows box that is just for work. Then you get a few advantages:

    • Linux PC as normal with no fancy setup needed
    • Windows work PC has Adobe as usual, and you just do your non-work stuff on the Linux box. Network them together for easy file sharing.
    • You don't need to reboot to go between one or the other; simply switch your KVM over. Let Windows do its update nonsense or other data processing while gaming on the Linux box.

    Obviously this does mean you need two physical machines, which might be a dealbreaker for you unless you have parts sitting around.

    Edit: something else I just thought of: it is also possible to dual boot but get fancy with hibernation (not sleep, but hibernate = write all RAM contents to disk). You hibernate either installation to switch to the other, so while technically a reboot, all of your apps / windows etc come back up as if you hadn't rebooted.

  • need the Adobe suite as I am a graphic designer.

    Then simply use Windows when you need to design something and Linux for everything else.

    "But I don't want to dual-boot!"

    Then buy another PC and install Linux in it. A $10 single-board computer can run Linux just fine -- even play 4k videos.

    • $10 SBC? Can you name that one? It seems like every time I want an SBC for a project they're all $50+ these days.

      • Can you name that one?

        Orange pi zero 3. Its super small, has the same/slightly better performance than a rpi 4 and the power draw caps at (worst case scenario) 3W. The only downside is that you MUST be a turbonerd in order to use it effectively.

  • I do design work in Inkscape and Photopea. I actually prefer Inkscape to Illustrator the software is very impressive. Sadly GIMP is still limited and I don't use it much.

    Photopea however is nice and has good PSD support including smart objects, adjustement layers, etc

  • Steam installs perfectly well on Debian and most games pick up a small performance boost from running on an OS with less overheads.

    Unraid servers can be hosted from Debian with few issues .

  • I agree with the posters who are telling you to stick with Windows if your career depends on software that isn't Linux compatible. If you want to play with Linux you can install WSL on Windows, run Linux in a VM on Windows or buy a cheap used/refurb business laptop and Linux to your heart's content on that.

  • For a long time l had 2 PCs, one windows and one Linux, with 2 monitors, I used the software "barrier" to share my keyboard/mouse between them, it worked pretty well.