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  • I grew up in the CA bay area and always called them sunshowers. I didn't make that up: I called them sunshowers when I was a kid because the people around me called them sunshowers.

    As an aside, I also taught linguistics at the university level for about 10 years. I do question the accuracy of many of Katz's charts because they very often do not match people's expectations, and beyond the level of "you expected this because you didn't know any better". I would take them with a grain of salt. That's not really a dig on Katz, either: difficult to study anything at this scale.

  • In russian we have a phrase "грибной дождь" (mushroom rain) for light warm rain in the sunshine.

    It's the best weather for mushroom growth and is therefore a sign to go harvest them in the woods soon.

    • I like this a lot. It's cute-sounding and has a history.

  • I've mostly heard some variation on sunshower in Texas because while they're not common, they're not super rare either. We also rarely get "sun-derstorms" (dunno what else to call it) in Texas.

  • green, I dont live anywhere near that area tho, i just remember someone talking about it online when i was young and it stuck with me

  • Where I'm from we say it is 'carnival in hell'

  • I've decided I hate the domestic violence one. One I heard a while back is "a monkey's wedding" and that has a much better mental image.

  • so, it’s New Yorkers that say this, and places New Yorkers go when we retire or can’t afford to live in NYC anymore.
