Yeah, I came into this series late and enjoy the open world and leveling aspects. But had been avoiding Valhalla because I hadn’t really heard great things about it.
Do you actually enjoy it? I am an old time fan and hated it. Hidden blade killing and running away was all the fun. Now you can't instakill a dude in sneak cause he is higher level. Assassins are sneaky, not warriors. Thats my opinion at lwast.
Yeah, I usually pair it up with a more focused game and will switch between the two.
If you only have a bit of time to spend you can explore a bit and obliterate some random camps. If you have more time you can progress through the story.
I think the farthest I’ve gone back is Brotherhood and I think I can draw
the line there. In hindsight I just grinded through the story because there was no pacing or anything to tell me otherwise and to go explore – so it’s partially my fault. Also, the last area was a buggy jump puzzle - screw that.
I just really dislike the lvling. Makes the open world feel linear and I find that hidden blading someone should be instakill.
I was in a way overlevel area in origins and sneaked so fricking hard that I could hidden blade the boss. My disappointment was immeasurable when it didn't instakill...