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  • By nobody stopping me from building my own helicopter.

    • You joke, but my dad literally built (most) of his own helicopter. My mom wouldn't let him fly it because of us kids haha. He sold it still incomplete

  • CW: Grim content

    I've thought about this, and having worked in hospitals and nursing homes, I've seen a lot of people die, so it's given me some perspective.

    My husband is the closest person to me by far. He also has a lot of chronic health problems. I suspect he will pass away before me.

    The older I get, the fewer people I have in my life. In my 20s and into my 30s, I had a lot of friends, but little by little they've fallen off. I've got a couple friends in my MTG playgroup and one friend who I go longboarding with in the summer, but beyond that, I've pretty much lost touch with everyone. This only gets worse as time passes.

    Best-case scenario is that I die in a nursing home or hospital, completely alone. Maybe my nieces and nephews might visit sometimes, but there's no way I'd ever see them frequently, nor should they feel compelled. I'll be old and confused in a strange scary place, with people talking in that condescending baby voice that I saw a lot of CNAs and nurses use. If I'm still able, I can play video games or something up until the end, but I have reason to suspect I have the beginning of Parkinson's like my dad, so slim chance of that. I'll just die staring at the ceiling, in a completely emotionless void.

    Worst-case scenario (most likely) is that I get put in a nursing home but evicted for being too poor. Then I'd just die faster out on the streets or something, or in a shelter. And come to think of it, this might actually be the preferred scenario.

    Either way, I'll certainly die alone and unloved.

  • My luck I’ll somehow live forever; if only to suffer the consequences of life. But if I had my way, I’d love to go “peacefully” in my sleep. Just lay down one night and never wake up.

  • My great-great-grandfather was murdered by an iceberg in 1875 and some days I feel a mysterious chill breeze that suggests it's still out there and not finished with my family. Or my arse. Probably that now I think of it.

    • I think your great grandfather made a deal for a stupid large amount of money, but instead of a snail it was an iceberg that would kill him

  • Family history of cancer. My grandmas from both sides had it. Other family members died from it. So, probably from some form of cancer or sickness.

    If not, probably due to a motor vehicle accident (motorcycle, ATV, Snowmobile, car) or some other form of stupidity.

  • To all the people who are saying suicide dm me we can start a death cult (jk really though if you want someone to talk to i'll always be there for you just dm ).

  • Cancer or climate change, or my escaping the effects of one/both.

  • i'd like the James Gandolfini. die on vacation somewhere nice.

    how'd he spend his last week? worried about the bills and work? no, on vacation in Rome.

    we should all be so lucky.

    also, i kind of hope my death causes a lot of paperwork.

  • Starvation after all the people supporting me die and I refuse to get help any other way, eventually leading me to forget to go shopping for food until I'm too hungry to get up, leading me to just wait for death to take me.

  • Suicide, drug OD or heart attack or aneurysm.

    The best case it'll be a heart attack or quick stroke death after getting over my demons. But those demons have utterly fucked my health.

    If my body holds out against the abuse I inflicted on it then Alzheimers is a long shot possibility.

    To be honest I'd rather go out by quick heart attack or aneurysm.