“The Vision Pro is bad”
But that is also good?
I’m tired.
I think it’s a neat/best vr headset, but I think most of the spacial computing stuff is dumb.
Having your emails floating above your desk in the office is stupid.
Useful things for augmented reality - pulling up diagnostic/data on things by looking at them like in a video game. Helping me find the wall-stud and level things.
It's so fucking funny that you've invented this audio visual immersion pod, completely encapsulating yourself in an artifical world, and the best tool for organizing your work is still just digital graph paper.
The Medicis had "a big dark room full of ledger books" 600 years ago. Now you can live like a medieval Italian accountant for the low, low price of a month's salary.
The real secret of Apple's success is knowing the astronomical costs some suburban dork will pay for the newest toys.
Even then, these devices keep getting tried and they keep failing. Better off putting one of those hologram projectors on the next iPhone, tbh. That's something you can show off to your friends, at least.
Stud finders cost like $8, you can probably get a shitty level for the same price, sometimes I just measure from the ground and mark two points with a pencil.
it's the whole tech foward thing that has gripped many people, where they assume more tech = more better
There's very, very good applications for tech, I ain't exactly conservative about this, but so much of it is just applying computer to problem thats easily solved without computer