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Wwyd if you were given a pocket dimension 3m cubed?


*You can teleport into and out of it at will

*It has a couple of plug sockets and can connect to internet from the region you teleported in from

*You can take objects and people with you

*As already stated, it is (3m)^3 (3m3m3m). The walls are plain plaster with a light in the middle of the ceiling. The pocket dimension is topologically toroidal, so if there weren't walls and a ceiling/floor (which you can actually destroy) you would loop if you went more than 3m in any direction. Gravity, then, is artificial and can be altered to anywhere from 0 to 2g from a dial on the wall.

Edit: additional specifications

*You can only teleport out to where you teleported in from.

*Time proceeds at the same rate inside the pocket dimension

*There is an eject button for those inside to get out if something happens to you

  • The amount of chaotic fuckery you could do with this...

    Driver tailgating me? Here, enjoy 3m³ of ocean water, fuckface.

    Some big religious event? Imagine the shitstorm that would happen if 3m³ of locust just appeared out of nowhere!

    Trump rally? Bees Hornets.

    "How can I use my pocket dimension to fuck with ___" would be my new approach to pretty much every encounter for the rest of my life, lol.

    • This worries me a lot. Why would you want to do any of that? Write a story about that, sure. But doing it? Why? You could seriously harm and hurt people. Doesn't sound right.

      • I guess let's pick apart each one:

        Ocean water - idk how the release would play out, but I'm picturing an opening big enough for a person to fit through, like a manhole, releasing as a stream. While a lot, I don't think that'd be near enough to cause a hydroplaning situation, but it'd DEFINITELY get them off my ass, so win. Assuming the highest potential for harm here, all 3m³ released at the same time, yeah that could fuck up their trajectory in a way that sends them upsided down into a ditch... but if they're tailgating, they're already putting my safety in jeopardy, so they've crossed the line into me not caring if the solution does the same to theirs. Closest thing I've done IRL was spotting a piece of debris (chunk of a bumper or something from another car) on the road ahead while being tailgated, and I waited until the VERY last second to dodge it - the dude tailgating didn't have time to react, so he drove right into it. Made a really satisfying crunch, and he pulled over presumably to check for damages. Lost sight of him shortly after, since I just kept going. Could it have hurt or even killed him? Yeah, if he turned sharp and started rolling or something. Could his driving habits have seriously hurt or killed me? Also yes, so fuck him: my goal is to get him off my ass, not baby him.

        Locust - Not seeing the potential for harm here. The religious nuts would be on high alert watching for fireballs coming down from the sky or rivers to turn to blood; but locusts are just big grasshoppers - not like they're going to start hunting people down. Seeing that hysteria unfold would be great fun!

        Hornets - Kinda same spiel as the driving bit. You've probably seen that response to the paradox of tolerance, if not clicky. We're talking about a group of people whose goal it is to harm/kill me, my family, my neighbors, etc. And since that's the case, I don't owe them protection from harm. Hornet it up.

    • But you can't teleport out somewhere other than where you teleported it in. Your road rage fantasy wouldn't play out in your favor. You could fill the pocket dimension up overnight by teleporting in water from the bathtub faucet, and you could take a swim in it whenever you want to (and presumably teleport out completely dry since you and your clothes teleported in from different places). But when you teleport it out while on the highway, you'd just end up releasing 4,000 gallons of water into your bathroom at home where you teleported it in.

      On a scary note, if you were to enter the pocket dimension while it was filled with water from another location, I would strongly recommend against drinking any of it, given the potentially fatal consequences of teleporting back out...

  • As others have mentioned - I'd use it as a hotel room and travel the world. I wonder if becoming a courier could fund the travel costs.

  • Well, feel like I could quite easily become a very famous stage magician a la "The Prestige" which would help make me rich while letting me keep the pocket dimension thing hidden in plain sight so to speak.

    But my mind, as always, races to the limits more so than the possibilities. What would happen if I bring in more stuff than would fit? Say I bring in a decimeter cubed of concrete over and over until I no longer fit inside the cube if I'm allowed the concrete with me in? What if teleport in while driving? Does the car come with even though it doesn't fit? And if I return to the spot I entered does that mean I'll plopp out on the highway while my car is wrecked a ways down the road or inside my mangled car? What if the space i entered from is occupied or otherwise lethal?

    What if I teleport in while under water? The void i leave in such an instantaneous fashion would behave quite interestingly if I did it at great depth.

    • You can't bring in more stuff than would fit, as it just wouldn't fit. If you did, it would become a black hole. If the space you were going to pop out at would be occupied/lethal, you instead pop out at the nearest nonlethal space. And yeah, voids underwater would be cool.

      • It wouldn't be a black hole, it'd be like pushing concrete into a slab of concrete. It just would take an insane amount of force to compress, and you'd have no leverage

        Conversely, what's the range for taking things in and out?

        What if you brought in extremely pressurized liquid air? Could you just take 1cc and release it next to someone's head? If you took open cones of tungsten in, you could probably abuse it to shoot them like a bullet

        What about thermal properties? If the space wraps in on itself, there's nowhere for the heat to dissipate. You could fill it with extremely high temperature plasma, then take out a little at a time to melt/explode almost anything.

        That all depends on the distance - you could fill it with thermite and burning magnesium for a trigger to fill it with extremely hot pressurized gas, but if you have to touch to take it out you'd destroy the body part that took it out... You could sacrifice a finger to blow up someone's head, but ultimately your power would stop at being a suicide bomber

        Personally I wouldn't do any of that. It'd ruin the outlet

  • edit: oh, pocket dimension... i just thought it said "pocket"...

    whatever, i'm leaving it :P

  • Free electricity? Mining crypto with a lot of stolen hardware.

    Smuggling would be easy for reasons already mentioned.

    Murder would be easy. Teleport someone in, teleport out all the air.

    Escaping from robberies and hairy situations, likewise creating hairy situations.

    Sleeping in 0g sounds comfy, training at 2g sounds awesome.

    Living rent free on every city ever. Paired with a car means I can be everywhere.

    Huge portable storage box.

  • I think I'd make various uses of it, but I think I'd mainly use it as an "at-sea cabin." Rig it up with a small bed-over-desk type situation, one of those little dorm minifridge/microwave deals, and stock it with tools/supplies etc. So basically I have a weightless camper van that's always with me and never needs parking. Hell certain city lifestyles where your "home" is where you sleep and shit and you spend the rest of your day out and about, it'd be all you need. Only problem is no plumbing.

  • Water? I want a personal bathroom.

    • No, sorry. I mean, you can bring in a tank of water if you want, or even make the whole pakve underwater, but there's no plumbing.

  • Paint the walls green screen green, set up a pretty powerful PC setup (desk and chair included), set up a futon, make sure I have plenty of mood lighting, and start what I want to be a hobby of mine by recording videos while using a 3D model of my fursona without having to worry about people disturbing me.

  • Okay, after reading the comments I have determined that this is a magic pocket dimension, not a sci-fi pocket dimension. That's important. Sci-fi pocket dimension gas too many restrictions, but OP has been kind enough to gift us a magic pocket dimension. If I pop in on a flight, I don't fall to my death when I leave.

    So, I set it up as a space for living in tight quarters. Like an RV, I guess. I make sure it has some exercise equipment, and I give it to my mom to use. She's disabled, and can't move a lot under normal conditions, and for reasons I won't go into, also can't do aqua therapy anymore. Low g exercise could help her, and we could slowly increase the gravity. Eventually, she could be healthy enough for surgeries that could get her to a better standard of life.

    Book cheap flights, cruises, et cetera. Teleport into the room, and back out at the end. Travel the world. If possible, teleport my mom in whenever somewhere is not wheelchair accessible, and then back out once we've passed that point.

    Make money to support the travel lifestyle by being a magician, or smuggler. Whenever possible use the pocket dimension to help people escape bad situations. Teleport in someone while in my car, drive to safety, teleport out. They're coming out relative to the vehicle, not the vehicle's position. Excellent for helping refugees, domestic violence victims, et cetera.

  • I hope it doest just has fancy cables with electric magic, but also basic human needs

    • water
    • light
    • air
    • WC