Argylle - 2024 - Matthew Vaughn
Argylle - 2024 - Matthew Vaughn
Argylle - 2024 - Matthew Vaughn
To the person who downvoted this: why? If you don't like the movie, just don't read this thread.
It's easy to accidentally downvote in some apps, especially with gestures.
Ah, might be
I enjoyed it a lot. It was thrilling, entertaining, had many twists and drama. Action wasn't lacking either. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
I was really surprised to read about the reviews afterwards. Do people really have an issue with movies not sticking to only one or two genres? Is it really a out the CGI cat? Is it the sillyness in some choreographies? With a bit of suspension of disbelief, this movie is a 9/10 and I wish for a sequel.
Thank you for your feedback, comforts me in the idea that some of the reviews were unnecessarily negative.
I saw it last night. It drags on a bit, and it's far campier than Kingsmen, but if you like Vaughn, you'l like this. I thought it was fun anyway.
Thank you for your comment
Rotten tomatoes: Rotten
Argylle gets some mileage out of its silly, energetic spin on the spy thriller, but ultimately wears out its welcome with a convoluted plot and overlong runtime.
Bummer. I was looking forward to this one.
I guess it really depends how much you like Vaughn's style and formula, mostly seen in Kingsman. I think I could still like it, it doesn't seem to be that bad.