Maybe Legolas never talked to him in the movies because he didn't want to giggle.
Maybe Legolas never talked to him in the movies because he didn't want to giggle.
Maybe Legolas never talked to him in the movies because he didn't want to giggle.
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Nice meme.
However, couldn't also Eärendil be considered?
Edit: found another possibility:
Legolas is the geographically-closest “elf-prince” to Erebor, where the coat was found. But it’s made of mithril, and that can’t be found in Erebor.
So it was probably forged in Moria. The mithril was definitely mined there. We don’t know exactly when, but we know Moria bordered not one, but two elf-kingdoms (Lorien and Eregion).
Elrond was Gil-galad’s right hand elf, and probably could have claimed the title of high king after the Last Alliance, although he didn’t. He also lived in Eregion for a while, and met his wife in Lorien. He had two sons, both born well before Moria fell to the balrog.
Conclusion: it was forged either for Elladan or Elrohir. They wore it, outgrew it, and gave it back to Durin’s folk, who then brought it with them into exile.
I swear I learn more about LOTR from comment sections under memes than anywhere else.
Well, to be fair this community is much more active than !
Thank you for your contributions, by the way!
And thank you for the lore!
Earendil was born in the first age so he wouldn't count but Elrond's kids for sure count. I'm not sure Legolas would count since we don't know when he was born. People assume he was born in the third age because of context clues but Tolkein never stated when Legolas was born.
Why does the first age not count?
Durin the 1st founded Khazad-dûm/Moria after he looked into the Mirrormere. That was some time in the First Age.
Edit: Oh I see, if we assume Erebor as the origin place, then it would probably be in the Second or Third Age.
Do you need to forge things where the materials are mined? Was there no interstate commerce in this universe?
Are you suggesting that Mithril migrates?