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Can we change the rule about "only questions"?

Hello everyone,

I was about to post a link to an interesting article (, but I then remembered that this community only allows questions.

Could we maybe update that rule so that interesting career-related articles can be shared too? The alternative I see is having a dedicated "cscareer" community, but I don't think it would be really useful as the current activity here is quite low

  • I just transferred the community over to ericjmorey due to them posting in the mod thread so ill try to not manage this as much but I can give my opinion on this community

    With all of the question communities ive found that the posting rate is much lower but the engagement on each post is relatively high. If the scope is widened the high activity could be flooded out due to people unsubscribing due to it not being focused on the question topic anymore

    (for articles formatted as a question) With articles the focus tends to be more about the article rather than the question itself and you get people talking about things discussed within the article rather than it being open ended

    Feel like best thing would be having a new community for career articles

    edit: If having a new community for career articles is what you guys want after this discussion just let me know and I can set one up

  • Seems like we've got all the feedback that we're going to get on this idea. I'm going to sit with it and return to it in the context of determining what might be the purpose of this community.