Valve Makes "Boomer Shooter" An Official Genre On Steam
Valve Makes "Boomer Shooter" An Official Genre On Steam

Valve Makes "Boomer Shooter" An Official Genre On Steam
... in reference to shooters made popular by younger Gen. X and Millennials while the actual boomers tried to get the entire industry banned.
My child asked me questions that make me rage uncontrollably at them? Am I a bad parent? No, it's the video games that are the problem. - A philosopher named my mom
It's called "Slang"
Kids don't know that though
Hmm. Even Wolfestein 3D was more of a Gen-X than Boomer generational thing, so setting the bar at Doom seems a little misunderstood of who actually played those games.
The term "boomer shooter" became a running joke within the team behind the aforementioned Dusk, which launched in 2018. Andrew Hulshult, who composed music for Dusk and other similar titles like Amid Evil and Prodeus, said on X that the team saw it being used to describe the original Doom, so they "ran with it because it was funny."
Supporting GameGod's statement that it's intended to be funny rather than accurate.
It's a misnomer for sure, but that's why it's a funny label.
It's not meant to imply that the games were primarily played by literal boomers; "boomer shooter" just rolls off the tongue a lot better than "gen-x shooter" or "early-edition millennials shooter". Are you the sort of person who goes to the Steam page for Rogue and challenges the 'Traditional Roguelike' tag because it's not rogue-like if it's actually Rogue? :P
I always liked the term "classic shooter".
Oh no
They've angered the 38 year olds of the comment section
Millennials do ruin everything /s
So it's not describing shooters where the whole point is to blow up all the shit?
Shooters where you can carry more than 4 weapons, the map is usually not a straight line, key hunting is often involved, health doesn't regenerate, etc etc. Oh and there's usually a lot of weapon variety I guess.
Yeah, stuff like Boltgun, and Ultrakill.
Fake. User generated tags. Stupid article
Valve didn't do shit, what an awful title. These are user generated tags.
🎉🥳 Another label graduated! 🥳🎉
Now please hurry up and vote for Bullet Heaven on Brotato and its colleagues so we aren't stuck with something as terrible as "Survivor-likes" or unweildy as "Action Roguelike - Bullet Hell"
Boomer Shooters > Modern FPS games, FIGHT ME!
Boomer shooter and modern aren't mutuallg exclusive. I liked TB's classification: "Modern military shooter".