I got an old used guitar today. I never had any natural musical talent but it was fun to strum it and try to find some sembelance of a tune amid the mostly random strumming. I enjoyed using it and want to learn a bit more about how to use it. I was hoping you guys could point me to some good guides and references to help me learn and maybe some advice. Also will probably need a guide on reading sheet music eventually.
@Smokeydope Not that I’m an expert, but these things helped me:
Find a teacher that has similar musical interests as you.
Always practice with a beat. It’s annoying as hell for a while, but it pays off!
Reward yourself while practicing by trying to learn a song you like between practicing scales and boring stuff like that. You did work, you get to play a little!
Learn the note names on the neck, or at least all the ones on the 6 and 5 strings.