German Art
German Art
German Art
While failing at art he was still Austrian.
He trued to put his thumb in the bum of the jewish people
So they fail at art AND geography
I remember that one time an Austrian failed art and did some fucked up shit.
Making everyone think Hitler was German is Austria's biggest victory.
Or his own. He identified as a German and wanted Austria to be part of Germany
One could argue that'd be about Mozart not being Bavarian
In the mein kampf manga it is heavily implied he was German in his earth.
I'm pretty sure Hitler was not the last German to fail art, so I'll take my chances.
Aktshually he wasn't even German...
You're right. He must've been still Austrian when he failed art. The academy that failed him was in Vienna afair
Was he from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, or Perth? I can never remember…
He wasn't german and I don't think you're german. Germans usually know a lot about ww2....
German education doesn't actually tell you much about the Second World War and more about the Shoa and the implications of the ideology of National Socialism. Less about military strategy (like Operation Market Garden etc), more about gas chambers and death camps, deportation logistics, systematic dehumanisation. Exceptions are analysis of speeches.
What does tell you a lot about WW2 are late night TV documentaries on N24 tho (I think they were bought and rebranded?)
That would be implying that only learning about battles is "learning about the 2nd ww". And it would deny that learning about society, policy and civilian suffering is part of learning about the war.
I disagree with that.
My theory: OP is Austrian. Notice how they go out of their way to claim Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German.
Downvoting for being bad at history, not art (which is also bad)
Ford scoreboards and seven corollas ago I J Braham Lincoln saild the seas in the search of the one piece
If you're German, how do you explain your previous post.
Making fun of American "healthcare" is a global pastime.
You mean invade Russia in the middle of winter?
Nor cunning use of flags.
So what you're saying is Hitler needed midjourney?
Here's your upvote. Keep practicing. I believe in you!
We all do!
WE ALL DO!!!!!
Well that depends. Are you going to go on a rampage indiscriminately, or discriminately?
Because I will be damned before I'll enable a racist murderer!
A racist is fine and so is a murderer, but a racist murderer is where we draw the line
ITT: ackshurwarbgarblinglly a shitpost.
Y'all let your mommies know so she can give you a dino chicken nuggy for being such a smart boy.
I don't think Lemmy knows what shitposting is. Either that or they just take everything too serious lol
This isn’t art?
everything is art.
Became an engineer?