What stupid thing have you done bc of a movie?
What stupid thing have you done bc of a movie?
I'm expecting some child recreating superhero stunts and gerting hurt
What stupid thing have you done bc of a movie?
I'm expecting some child recreating superhero stunts and gerting hurt
I remember going to the first fast n furious at the theater. Ice storm during the movie so everything was covered in ice after, had to chisel around the door just to open it. But that didn't kill the racing spirit in some of them. They got in their cars and tore out of the parking lot. 2 slammed into trees on their way out. Another didn't get far, jackknifed himself on a light pole. I just sat in my car watching it, way better than the movie.
This is gold
Are you saying that an actual car wreck was better than FnF movie? Because I totally agree.
I broke smth in my ring finger bc I punched walls as a kid hoping to break it the way they did in spy kids. We make brick houses here. Was reminded of this after I saw a similar post on lemmy somewhere.
I imagine many a European fist has suffered from Hollywood movies being set in the US, where walls are drywall.
Inner walls in Europe may still be drywall, wouldn't recommend checking it out hand-first though
You just need practice ; I, for one, just considered it a given that you have to gradually raise the strength of your punch at a fscking concrete wall painted over, and then it'll start slowly crumbling in the place you hit, like in those vids about Shaolin monks. Didn't work, but aside from pain, no problems with my fists.
I can't decide if I'd rather do this, or put a hole in my parent's wall as a kid. I kind of think the latter would have hurt more.
Sled down the stairs and out the front door like in Home Alone. My stairs didn't perfectly line up so I hit the edge and went tumbling. luckily at 7 my bones were made of rubber and I only had bruises
The stairs in the movie don't line up either. Always bothered me.
at 7 my bones were made of rubber
I was just thinking about this. I'm in my 40's and it feels like I now break a rib if I sneeze hard, and I was wondering whether I'm actually "less durable" nowadays than I was when I was younger
You have to consider the square cube law.
Weight scales far quicker than bone strength.
And also kids are 24/7 running around and doing something for their fitness if they are allowed to.
Most adults don't do that.
Actually,yes. Kids bones are less rigid/more flexible. (And younger kids don't even have some bones to begin with -patellae-/they aren't fused together yet -skull-)
And of course you have more weight and a longer "lever" to break things.
Kevin should have rolled down the stairs in a tire instead. I bet that would actually work.
When me and my younger brother were little, we were outside playing and digging in the snow with an old claw hammer from the barn. It must have been shortly after watching the classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
I got the bright idea to tell him to stick the claw of the hammer in the snow, then pull it out and lick it, just like Yukon Cornelius does, and maybe we could find gold.
Needless to say, tongue + ice cold metal hammer were quite the match and he was stuck instantly. Being as little as we were he panicked and ripped it off, along with a large thick chunk of tongue skin. Quite a bit of red snow that day...
I remember getting in trouble for that one. My parents definitely thought I tricked him on purpose, but I couldn't have been more than 8 or so and definitely did not. I also remember that hammer sitting outside for the rest of the winter, with a chunk of tongue still frozen to it.
That doesn't sound particularly nice
Why did the tongue stick to the hammer in the snow? It wanted a taste of the cold, hard truth...
I can't remember what movie it was, but we took the ball out of an old school computer mouse, the kind that's a solid steel ball covered in rubber. Then we all sat in a circle, and hucked it at each other's nuts. Hurt like a mother, and we each did it at least ten times, iirc, but that may just be me remembering it more extreme than it was, because it was horrid. Lol. We played many, many times during sleep overs and such. I think my balls we bruised for most of my 13th year. Lol.
I think I watched Superman or something rip his shirt open so I did it to my own PJs. I was only five so I could only rip them a little.
I went to school with my Superman pajamas underneath my regular clothes and specifically wore a button up shirt so that I could rip it open and be Superman. If it became necessary, y'know.
When I was 3, I put a towel on like a cape and jumped off of some furniture thinking that I could fly. I hit my mouth on the corner of our coffee table and had to get stitches. I got to eat ice cream for a week, though!
It was a chest freezer for me. I used my bike to climb up and jumped off. Mum thought I'd broke my nose.
I took a running leap in a wide open living room, realized I was going to fall, stuck out my hand, and that’s why I’m ‘double-jointed’ in my right thumb. (That and being hyper mobile. But it didn’t pop out of joint before that.)
My brother, some friends, and I did a martial arts tournament like Mortal Kombat. Needless to say I won.
I was in collage when Fight Club came out. Of course a bunch of guys decided to make an underground Fight Club. I never went to one bc I am a women and therefore exculded from Manly Punching Time but, boy, oh boy did I witness the fallout.
It didn't take long for poeple to realize that maybe a computer major shouldn't be fist fighting a ex marine who was here on the GI bill. Or maybe accounting majors shouldn't be trying to punch the six foot tall guy who does construction to afford his textbooks. Poeple had black eyes, knocked out teeth, concussions and face swelling. Turns out it's hard to hide an underground fight ring where you hit each other in the face.
Luckily the Fight club disbanded before admin got involved, and before anybody got really hurt.
I was 19 when that movie came out. I'm so glad I never knew about one or I would have definitely gone and probably ended up with some life long scar. Luckily at 19, I was only stupid enough to pierce my nipples, and not take care of them properly, so the only life long scar I got was permanently hard looking nipples (I'm male BTW, so no padded bras to help me hide them.)
So, Tyler Durden?
Wait, are you telling me Fight Club was unrealistic!? /s
Imitating Pauly Shore in Encino Man during freshman year of high school. I was already a conventionally unattractive overweight nerd, so the affectation was not so much the final nail, but one of many in my social coffin.
I got better tho
Not me personally, but back in high school (in the late 20th century lol) a group of kids I went to school with got inspired by Dead Presidents to rob a bunch of banks. They got caught.
I went over a bike ramp when I was about eight or nine years old, pretending that I was bo duke from Dukes of Hazzard. I lost the bike. Instead of my sitting on the bike. I was spread eagle over the bike, the tires were pointing to my right the handlebars were under me. Laws of physics took over. I dropped on that bike really hard. Slightly caved in my chest.
Then all your friends saw you were hurt and took off running so they didn't get in trouble...
A couple of them laughed.
Paid full price for Avatar 2
Avatar 2 was awesome in theater, at least in Imax 3D. It was so fucking gorgeous, I was transfixed.
Say what you will about the writing, but I would have paid double just to see that level of CGI fidelity. My jaw was on the floor for so long my mouth got dry
Not a movie, but I remember trying to do kamehameha when I was 8 years old or something after watching Dragon ball Z.
Ya. 8. I totally wasn't doing that in high school.
Flash gun and that future trunks move on freeza were my go tos
There's a certain Sonichu producing person that still does it....
Some kids claimed you could run faster if you hold your fingers straight, because that's how T-1000 (Robert Patrick) runs in Terminator 2.
Those were simpler times, before the Naruto run was a thing...
Nothing myself, but when I was a kid, I recall reading an article saying kids from Edmonton went into the sewers, trying to find the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Idiots. Everybody knows the TMNT live in the sewers of New-York city.
Nothing overly crazy but I remeber watching the Matrix in the theater for the first time and being sooo pumped up that my buddy and I went whopping and hollaring through the mostly abandoned mall food court (got out super late). Mall security ended up chasing us down in the parking lot because they thought we had stolen something or were vandals. We had to explain we were just high from a great movie lol.
I was just trying to feel the Force and gradually jump from bigger heights. Haven't broken anything, so it was more or less good sport. But taught me wrong things about physical strength etc.
I would jump on the couches pretending I was Scar singing Be Prepared
Pretty sure movies are at least partially to blame for that first programming class :-)
You ever manage to hack into the Pentagon by furiously typing for about 5 seconds?
While getting head! It was epic, I just dropped the worm through a back door in the firewall ;-)
Watched the Lion King as a five year old and the stampede scene stuck out to me. The next day at daycare I bit the teachers ass in the same way the hyenas tried to bite the Cape Buffalo's tail.
My favourite so far lol
A friend of mine was in San Diego on business where her company put her up in a swanky hotel. I drove down from LA to meet her. I had some bills that were due so I brought them with me, wrote my checks (this was before online bill pay), stamped my envelopes, and asked the front desk to please include them with their outgoing mail.
For those who haven't figured it out, that's what Andy Dufresne did at the bank in Shawshank Redemption.
Lucky for me, they were nice about it and they actually did mail my letters for me, but I still cringe when I think about it today.
It's that stupid because of the risk of someone tampering with them?
I guess I just felt weird after thinking about it because I wasn't some guy in a fancy suit closing out a huge bank account and asking to mail a package in a Manila envelope, but just a 20-something girl in jeans and a tank top mailing out utility bills that were almost overdue. Probably just my own insecurities at the time.
I saw some dumb movie about a time travel loop a few months back, I don't even remember the name. The plot was so uninspired, I started to think about how to prevent time loops from ever occurring, so at least that kind of lazy writing won't invade nonfiction. It sort of snowballed into a hardware design.
It's definitely the dumbest reason I've had to build a particle detector. The idea is to generate output that would be different in every iteration (via no-hidden-variables + a tunneling-governed radioactive decay), to determine whether you are in a loop via a simple statistical test.
If that poses a problem for something you will have been working on, just reach out by December 1st, 2023 with the one-time-code "19 8 9 2 2 15 12 5 20 8 ". I will have recognized that, and we could have planned around what your needs will have been.
Wait, you created TFA for the TVA? 😶🫠
Well, the false-positive rate for people claiming to be time travelers will have been pretty high, if we are going to have been honest. At least in the reverse direction.
I'll also have concluded that the verb tenses will have been miserable. We will have needed a less cumbersome language. Maybe I'll have solved that, someday.
I mean try untangling 'You will have had to have had had had traveled'. Bit of a pain to discuss iterations of a loop, and that's not even that many deep.
Crack my neck and hands because of a stupid teacher that always did that in a series. Once in, never coming back
Said Candyman in the mirror five times. Don't know what I was expecting. If it worked, I'd be brutally murdered. If it didn't nothing would have changed. There was no positive outcome to this action, onlybad and neutral..
A couple of crazy tattoos. Santa Sangre, and Water Boy. You can figure the rest out.
I would love to see the water boy one
I responded to just about any request from my parents with "Compliance!" for a while. I don't remember how long it lasted, but it probably drove my mum nuts.
What is this in reference to?
Buried Skittles for no rainbow
i went to the movie theater and watched it all the way through. it was harrowing. i havent forgiven the hobbit movie, PJ and the movie industry in general for that one.
After a screening of The man who stare at goats, me and my friend were walking out of the theater silently, and as we approached a corner, we both had the same idea. Without a word, we both walked into the wall. It was pretty hilarious - for us.
I spent hours trying to use the force.
Do, or do not! There is no try.
And that is why I failed.