Snorechella, Ultra Comfy Snoozy Fest Miami, Electric Blanket Carnival Las Vegas, Sleeping Man, Naparoo, Snore by Snorewest
God, imagine a vacation company whose entire schtick is that they will screen your calls, provide you cocoa, warm snuggly blankets, and private beds, babysit the kids, and provide a convincing doctors note for work. You go there, and you just nap and Netflix for a weekend.
Isn't it sad you need that
Pay for existing :(
sounds like late stage capitalism.
All the snoozefests I've ever been to required you to pretend to pay attention.
Image Transcription: Twitter Post
Beeves, @BootsMcGoot
people say snoozefest like it's a bad thing. i would attend a snoozefest, no questions asked. name your price