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  • At this point, I'd settle for taking the 2-lane road segments in my town that turn into 4-lane nightmares and then merge back into 2-lane streets a dozen blocks later with bike lanes and parking, and getting rid of the 4-lane parts that often don't have sidewalks or bike infra.

    Sure, these road segments funnel traffic away from the more-residential city grid streets, but they're also rife with speeding and they make it hard to navigate on a bike unless you happen to know which streets have any sort of infra

  • Pothole's Paradise like in parts of Africa

    • Could have just said LA, kinda weird to just choose the continent of Africa.

      • I don't know about "La" what is it ?
        I do know parts of Africa are like that.
        I don't know about all continents but I do know there are mostly good roads in many other continents (Europe, parts of Asia ...)